The images of the A. I. A. S. Congress 1998

October 9th-10th-11th 1998
The first Congress took place in Castelfranco Emilia, supported by the “Landlords” : the friends of  The ABC Bonsai Club.

The first Honour Guest and Judge of the stones exhibited in the contest was the international expert  and friend  prof. Felix Rivera

The wonderful Kinzan-seki of  Mr.Andrea Schenone who gained the AIAS Trophy 1998

The suiseki which placed at first place in the various Categories were :

The 1st  prize for  the Category "Shelves" 
to the composition of
Mrs. Luciana Queirolo
The 1st prize for the Category "Object Stones" 
to the three seals  on the " Pack " of
Mrs. Chiara Padrini
 The 1st prize for  the Category  "Landscape Stones" to a refuge stone of
Mr. Angelo Attinà
  A suggestive "Pattern Stone" of
Mrs. Stefania Magnani
Lecture of  Prof. Felix Rivera engaged to comment every stone displayed.