
Mr. Carlo Laghi relates about "Gonzaga 2010"

The Bonsai World Fair, simultaneously with “The Lambrusco and tastes of Italy”, is arrived to the 6th edition and now has become a classic appointment for bonsai and suiseki lovers.
In Gonzaga, Saturday 13th and Sunday March 14th, 20 Aias members together with other stones’ enthusiasts among which Mrs. Laura Redini (President of the Gonzaga Club), Mr. Fabrizio Buccini (well known daiza carver), the Master Shozo Tanaka , have prepared an invidiable suiseki exhibition both for the number and for the stones’ quality.

The expositive spaces

I wish old Aias members do not bear me a grundge if I do not speak  about them and of their stones, but I would like to speak about all those people (among which also our new members) who face this wonderful art : to their first exhibitions, I saw them deeply moved, it seems to me as to be at the first exhibition in Carmagnola in 2003, thirsty of advices about how to present, but over all on how to built daiza, which tools to be used for the printing, for the contour, for obtaining the feet.
It comes to my mind one of such meetings and the theory has not been sufficient to solve all their doubts; in the talk we have had on Saturday afternoon we, old members, replying to the questions of Mrs. Laura , even using very simple terms, we have realized that the major part of the public had difficulty to follow us. For the future we should let follow living demonstrative workshops to the talks.

The didactic moment

I have asked myself why the success for this event ?
Surely , because the enthusiasts , the beginners, the lovers and the clubs are kept in consideration , for two days they are at the centre of the event   and over 80-90 people sitting to eat all together and to continue to talk about cutters, woods, stones, pruning, repotting is a very nice thing. Pilotta rice , dumplings with mantovani salami , grilled beef, shakes, greek cake , very good bread, all washed down with lambrusco wine of the “Millenary” - the week-end menu.
On Sunday evening, before to greet each other, I have asked someone of them how they had spent these two days : their eyes shined. For duty record I have to speak also about Sunday afternoon when the Bonsai Master Diego Rigotti, helped by the boys of his Club “Trentina Bonsai Association” has worked a yamadori Sylvester Pine, an exemplar about 1,5 mt high.
What can I say about Gonzaga Bonsai Club members who have so well given hospitality ?:
“Thanks to exist”
Mr. Carlo Laghi
From AIAS a warm welcome to new members : Mr. Alberto Barduzzi, Mr. Giuseppe Cordone, Mr. Mario Crema, Mr. Silvio Galimberti, Mr. Claudio Pecol, Mr. Vincenzo Ziliotti.
We publish a suiseki for every participant, chosen among the stones exhibited. 

Club Amatori Bresciani
Mr. Angelo Attinà

Mr. Alberto Barduzzi
Mrs. Cinzia Battignani

Mr. Fabrizio Buccini
Mr. Felice Colombari

Mr. Mario Crema
Mr. Cesare Fumagalli

Mr. Carlo Maria Galli
Mr. Carlo Gori

Mr. Carlo Laghi
Mr. Ulisse Maccaferri

Mr. Marino Nikpal 
Mr. Primangelo Pondini

Mr. Renzo Pooli
Mrs. Luciana Queirolo

 Mr. Renzo Rabitti
Mr. Roberto Rampazzo

 Mrs. Laura Redini
Mr. Shozo Tanaka

 Mr. Claudio Villa
Mr. Giancarlo Zarotti

The N°2 of the “Bonsai & Suiseki Magazine” is on line. In this number...

The February number has been published of “Bonsai & Suiseki Magazine” : a new cover   with a winning graphics is this month’s novelty.   
The Magazine is visible and freely downloaded from the following links :
in Pdf format :


in dynamical graphic display and high definition of images:
In addition to the Editorial of Mr. Antonio Ricchiari, this number has in summary :
Dal mondo del Bonsai & Suiseki                                                                                                      
             “Le pietre nel giardino giapponese” – Gian Luigi Enny
             “I tesori del Po” – Gian Luigi Enny
Mostre ed Eventi                                                                                                                                   
             “Sotto il cielo d'inverno andando verso la primavera” - Marco Tarozzo
Dalle pagine di Bonsai&News                                                                                                           
               “Una splendida rimodellatura di un albero Bunjin”– Kunio Kobayashi
In libreria                                                                                                                                                 
                “La propagazione di alberi e arbusti  di Andrea Zocca” – Antonio Ricchiari
Bonsai ‘cult’                                                                                                                                             
                “Yoga : preghiera del corpo” – Antonio Ricchiari
            “Legna secca : uso ed abuso” – Giovanni Genotti
La mia esperienza                                                                                                                                    
                 “La prima volta non si scorda mai” – Sandra Guerra
                 “Juniperus sabina” – Sergio Biagi
                 “Basilisk. Storia di un juniperus chinensis lavorato per Bonsai Art” – Nicola Crivelli
A lezione di Suiseki                                                                                                                               
                “Appunti... vecchi ricordi... sensazioni legate alle pietre. Dedicato a Lynn”– Luciana Queirolo
Noi... di Bonsai Creativo School                                                                                                        
            “L'angelo bianco. Dedicato a tutti i bambini che non hanno potuto scegliere”
            Sandro Segneri
L'opinione di...                                                                                                                                       
                “Gianfranco Rossi” – Giuseppe Monteleone
A scuola di estetica                                                                                                                                 
                “Kabudachi: la ceppaia”  – Antonio Ricchiari
L’essenza del mese                                                                                                                                  
                “La quercia” – Antonio Acampora
Non tutti sanno che ...                                                                                                                           
               “L'olmo - II Parte” – Elisabetta Ruo
Note di coltivazione                                                                                                                                
                 “Gli acidi umici ed il ruolo ruolo nella coltivazione bonsai” – Luca Bragazzi
Tecniche bonsai                                                                                                                                       
                 “Coltivazione da seme” – Antonio Acampora, Faustina Lepore
L'angolo di Oddone                                                                                                                                                      “Il ficus” – Carlo Oddone
Vita da club                                                                                                                                               
                 “Bonsai Club del Mediterraneo” – Antonio Ricchiari
Il Giappone visto da vicino                                                                                                                   
                "La sensualità della morte" - Anna Lisa Somma
              "Il miracolo giapponese visto dall'occidente" - Antonio Ricchiari  
Axel's World                                                                                                                                            
                “La storia della dea Amaterasu” – Axel Vigino
Che insetto è ?                                                                                                                                         
                “I danni da basse temperature. Le gelate - II Parte” - Luca Bragazzi

The N°1 of the “Bonsai & Suiseki Magazine” is on line. In this number...

With the publication of the first issue of 2010 the editorial voyage of “Bonsai and Suiseki Magazine “ goes on.
The Magazine is visible and freely downloaded from the following links :
in Pdf format :

in dynamical graphic display and high definition of images:

In addition to the Editorial of Mr. Antonio Ricchiari, Mr. Luca Bragazzi and Mr. Carlo Scafuri, this number has in summary :
Dal mondo del Bonsai & Suiseki                                                                                                      
             “Il giardino del tè” – Gian Luigi Enny
             “Kusamono” – Antonio Ricchiari
           “Un giorno con gli amanti del suiseki” – Heven Chui, Luciana Queirolo
              “Il giardino nascosto di Luigi Nuzzo” – Carlo Scafuri  
Bonsai-Do : pratica e sapere                                                                                                              
             “OMOTENASHI - la soddisfazione dell'ospite” – Massimo Bandera
Mostre ed Eventi                                                                                                                                   
             “II Trofeo Napoli Bonsai Club ONLUS” - Antonio Acampora
Dalle pagine di Bonsai&News                                                                                                           
               “Scolpendo la legna secca : rinascita di un Ginepro a scaglie”
In libreria                                                                                                                                                 
                “Alberi ed arbusti in Italia. Manuale di riconoscimento” – Antonio Ricchiari
Bonsai ‘cult’                                                                                                                                             
                “Incontro tra Oriente ed Occidente” – Antonio Ricchiari
La mia esperienza                                                                                                                                    
                 “Lo scheletro” – Franco Barbagallo, Dario Rubertelli
                 “La storia del faggio Patriarca - II Parte” – Armando Dal Col
                 “Equilibrio instabile” – Paolo Nastasi
A lezione di Suiseki                                                                                                                               
                “Costruire giocando”– Luciana Queirolo
Noi... di Bonsai Creativo School                                                                                                        
            “... dopo 20 primavere italiane. Storia di un pino” – Francesco Santini
L'opinione di...                                                                                                                                       
                “Francesco Santini” – Giuseppe Monteleone
A scuola di estetica                                                                                                                                 
                “Lo stile su roccia”  – Antonio Ricchiari
L’essenza del mese                                                                                                                                  
                “Il carpino - II Parte– Antonio Acampora
Non tutti sanno che ...                                                                                                                           
               “L'olmo - I Parte” – Elisabetta Ruo
Note di coltivazione                                                                                                                                
                 “I concimi fogliari” – Luca Bragazzi
Tecniche bonsai                                                                                                                                       
                 “I rami di sacrificio” – Luca Bragazzi
L'angolo di Oddone                                                                                                                                                      “Il tasso” – Carlo Oddone
Vita da club                                                                                                                                               
                 “Amatori Bonsai e Suiseki Genova”
Il Giappone visto da vicino                                                                                                                   
                "La voce delle onde - M.Yukio" - Anna Lisa Somma
              "L'architettura contemporanea giapponese" - Antonio Ricchiari  
Axel's World                                                                                                                                            
                “La creazione del mondo” – Axel Vigino
Che insetto è ?                                                                                                                                         
                “I danni da basse temperature. Le gelate - I Parte” - Luca Bragazzi

The N°12 of the “Bonsai & Suiseki Magazine” is on line. In this number...

The December's number , closing the first twelve months of the review   "Bonsai & Suiseki Magazine" , has been published. This pubblication, unique in its genre, has continuosly advanced and improved both in graphics  and in contents, thanks to the principles guiding it :  "liberty, indipendence, passion and contribution of all".
At the end of the review the "General Summary of the 2009 Year"  is at disposal, a useful initiative  to find quickly one of the so many articles published during the first year of the Magazine's life.
The Magazine is visible and freely downloaded from the following links :

in dynamical graphic display and high definition of images: 

In addition to the Editorial of Mrs. Luciana Queirolo, this number has in summary :

From Bonsai & Suiseki World                                                                                                           
             “The plants used in the Japanese garden ” – Mr. Gian Luigi Enny
             “Over the Bonsai, the dimension of a man : Mr. Gianni Picella” – Mr. Antonio Ricchiari
             “A passion : suiseki”  - Mr. Claudio Nuti
              “The Roberto Raspanti garden”  - Mr. Carlo Scafuri
Exhibitions and events                                                                                                                        
             “Over the green - Bonsai Competition 2” - Mr. Pietro Strada
             “Genova 2009 Award” - Presse release
           “Bonsai & Friends” - Mr. MarcoTarozzo
From the pages of Bonsai&News                                                                                                     
               “Winter is arrived : what to do”– Mr. S.Hiramatsu
In the bookshop                                                                                                                                      
                “Bonsai - Mr.Gianfranco Giorgi” – Mr. Antonio Ricchiari
Bonsai ‘cult’                                                                                                                                             
                “Method of judgement for the evaluation of bonsai” – Mr. Giovanni Genotti
            “The charm of a conifer” – Mr. Antonio Ricchiari
My experience                                                                                                                                          
                 “My friend the elm” – Mr. Gian Luigi Enny
                 “...tuscanian as me ! ” – Mr. Sergio Biagi
                 “The patriarch beech tree - I Part” – Mr. Armando Dal Col
At Suiseki lesson                                                                                                                                    
                “Style and taste”– Mrs. Luciana Queirolo, Mr. Ben Li
We... of Bonsai Creativo School                                                                                                        
            “The father - story of a cypress” – Mr. Roberto Raspanti, Mr. Carlo Scafuri
The opinion of ...                                                                                                                                   
                “Mr.Alfredo Salaccione” – Mr.Pietro Strada
At school of aesthetics                                                                                                                           
                “The stile of the Literati”  – Mr.Antonio Ricchiari
The monthly species                                                                                                                               
                “The horneheam - I Part” – Mr.Antonio Acampora
Not everyone knows that ...                                                                                                                 
               “The promegranate (tree) - II Part” – Mrs.Elisabetta Ruo
Notes of cultivation                                                                                                                                
                 The employment of mycorrhiza in Bonsai cultivation  - II Part” – Mr.Luca Bragazzi
Bonsai Tecniques                                                                                                                                    
                 “To perceive  Wabi-Sabi” – Mr.Antonio Acampora
Oddone's corner                                                                                                                                                             “The beech tree - II Part” – Mr. Carlo Oddone
Club's life                                                                                                                                                   
                 “Cultural Association Rome Bonsai” – Mrs. Laura Monni
Japan see n from the nearby                                                                                                                  
                "To the discover of the paths which bring to Japan" - Mrs. Anna Lisa Somma
              "The essence of the Japanese ceramics" - Mr. Antonio Ricchiari  
Axel's World                                                                                                                                            
                “The value of teaching” – Mr. Axel Vigino
What insect is it  ?                                                                                                                                  
                Symbiosis between endotrophic  fungus  responsible of tracheomycosis
                 on  Juniper Spp and Pinus Mugus - II Part” - Mr. Luca Bragazzi

XVIIth Club Triveneto Bonsai & Suiseki Exhibition

XVIIth Club Triveneto
Bonsai & Suiseki


The First Prize Plaque for suiseki to “The melancholy old man“, stone collected in the Isonzo River by the new entered A.I.A.S. member  for 2010,  Mr. Claudio Pecòl, to whom we give a welcome.

Claudio is member of the Club “ The nine fogs’ garden”  in Udine, under the bonsaist teaching  of  Mr. Adriano Bonini.

The awarding has taken place during the XVIIth  BONSAI & SUISEKI EXHIBITION of the TRIVENETO CLUB, which this year  has been hosted in “The nine fogs’ garden” on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th October 2009.

Many participating suiseki, all belonging to the clubs’ members of the Triveneto  Coordination.

Mr.Carlo Laghi relates the 6th Suiseki Exhibition-Parade at Cusercoli Castle

8th and 15th November 2009

6th Suiseki   Exhibition-Parade “ Castle of Cusercoli ” 


Castle of Cusercoli - (Forlì - Cesena)
Report of Mr. Carlo Laghi

On the two Sundays 8th  and 15th November 2009  the 6th   Suiseki  Exhibition-Show  has taken place, cared by the members of the Forlì Bonsai & Suiseki Club, six of whom  are A.I.A.S. members, in the ambit of the annual “ Romagna White Precious Truffle Feast “.

View of Cusercoli Castle

This year two rooms have been reserved on two different levels  because the usual premise with a bricks’ vault of the ex castle cellars  was occupied by another exhibition.  This opportunity has allowed us to stage the exhibition differently : we have thought  that staging on the upper level  bigger tokonoma  with scrolls related to the various seasons, as example, either we or the public visitors  could grow.

Furthermore  the stones classified in the A.I.A.S. Congress in Lugano  and  other stones classified on  previous years exhibitions in the castle which had not yet been,  have now been  presented.

On Saturday 14th November afternoon, Mr. Ulisse Maccaferri, our dearest friend, and also Board member of A.I.A.S. , has examined  the stones in display and, following the Japanese standards,  has selected the best landscapes, object and various  categories  stones such as :  “Lost” of Mr. Primangelo Pondini, “Geisha” of Mr. Claudio Villa, “Dunes”, biseki of Mr. Primangelo Pondini, and mentioned  “Monte Fuji”of Mr. Ettore Gardini and “The park’s guardian” multi display stand of Mr. Carlo Laghi.


                      The suiseki exhibition in the new premises at disposal.


The day has ended with “the legs under the table” and  we consumed a very good “Romagnola” dinner  at the “Pocina” restaurant, there were present, in addition to us, also two friends  (one “romagnolo” and the other “parmense”; the diligent Mr. Pondini  has started the construction  of a daiza  and, on seeing the great interest we expect, in a near and not far future, to include two new A.I.A.S. members.

Just for duty of chronicle, the public on Sunday November 8th  had choosen  “In the middle of the sea”, a landscape stone in a suiban of Mr. Danilo Pretolani.

I seize this opportunity to send him a warm thank-you from all of us  as trustworthy driver of the Ape 50 tricar who has brought up to the castle   the numerous boxes, small tables and what else, relieving,  not a little, our strains.

The suiseki in exhibition

The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Lorenzo Elespini

"The hut"

The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Ettore Gardini



Mention of merit

 The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Carlo Laghi

"The park’s guardian"

Mention of merit

"The park’s guardian"

A particular





"The landing place"

"The traveller"


"Last snow"

"Alpine memories"


"Alpine memories" 

A particular

"Alpine memories"

A particular

"Alpine memories"

A particular

 The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Primangelo Pondini


Best Biseki

"The grandfather’s land"



Best landscape stone


"The seeker"

"The grandmother"

 The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Danilo Pretolani

"In the middle of the sea"

"The unknown"

The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Venanzio Turci

"The maternity"

The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Attilio Valdifiori


"Where rivers flow"

"Water streams at moonlight"

The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Claudio Villa

"Wild summits"


Best object stone

"Rainy cloud is wetting "

my summits

The N°11 of the “Bonsai & Suiseki Magazine” is on line. In this number...


The November issue of the “Bonsai & Suiseki Magazine” has been published, with two new sections cared by Mr. Massimo Bandera and by Axel Vigino, the youngest Italian bonsaist .

The Magazine is visible and freely downloaded from the following links :
in Pdf  format :

in dynamical graphic display and high definition of images:


In addition to the Editorial of Mr. Antonio Ricchiari “ The wise does’nt runs and does’nt worry

himself”, this number has in summary :

From Bonsai & Suiseki world                                                                                                             
             “The japanese gardenLandscape scenography  represented in small spaces.
               – Mr. Gian Luigi Enny
             “The crisis, the school and the dream ” – Mr. Francesco Santini
             “The garden of  Mr. Giovanni Genotti”  - Mr. Antonio Defina
Bonsai-Do : practice and knowledge                                                                                                
             “SHU-HA-RI, way's levels” – Mr. Massimo Bandera
Exhibitions and events                                                                                                                         
             “NBSKE Congress” – Mr. Edoardo Rossi
             “Imperia Bonsai Festival” - Mr.Giancarlo Pezzoni
           “A day as others” - Mr. MarcoTarozzo
From the pages of Bonsai&News                                                                                                      
               “From plant to Bonsai”– Mr. Mitsuo Takahashi
In the bookshop                                                                                                                                       
                “Man Lung Penjing” – Mr. Antonio Ricchiari
Bonsai ‘cult’                                                                                                                                             
                “Zen Buddhism” – Mr. Antonio Ricchiari
My experience                                                                                                                                          
                 “Workshop and restyling of an old yamadori wild olive tree” – Mr. Paolo Fugali
                 “The 'solitary' Cedar” – Mr. Giuseppe Messina
                 “The cutting technique of needles and candles of Black and Silvestre pine” 
                   – Mr. Armando Dal Col
At Suiseki lesson                                                                                                                                    
                Colour  & Design &  Shape ….. the Gaia Planet’s figurative jewels
                  – Mrs. Luciana Queirolo, Mr. Giuseppe De Vita
We... of Bonsai Creativo School                                                                                                         
            From Anaconda  to Kenshin. The long story of  a Chinensis Juniper
                  – Mr. Luca Bragazzi, Mr. Sandro Segneri
The opinion of ...                                                                                                                                     
                “Mr. Stefano Frisoni” – Mr. Giuseppe Monteleone
At school of aesthetics                                                                                                                             
                “The little wood - II Part”  – Mr. Antonio Ricchiari
The monthly species                                                                                                                                 
                 “The rosmarinus officianalis  (tree)” – Mr. Antonio Acampora
Not everyone knows that ...                                                                                                                   
               “The pomegranate (tree) - I Part” – Mrs. Elisabetta Ruo
Notes of cultivation                                                                                                                                  
                 The employment of mycorrhiza in Bonsai cultivation - I Part” – Mr. Luca Bragazzi
Bonsai Tecniques                                                                                                                                     
                 “How to make shitakusa” – Mr. Antonio Acampora
Oddone's corner                                                                                                                                       
                 “The beech tree - I Part” – Mr. Carlo Oddone
Club's life                                                                                                                                                   
                 The Napoli Bonsai Club’s Trophy” – Mr. Carlo Scafuri
Japan seen from the nearby                                                                                                                   
                "The buried in the darkness  house of light" - Mrs. Anna Lisa Somma
              "The style. Details of beauty" - Mr. Antonio Ricchiari  
Axel's World                                                                                                                                            
                “Bonsai at 11 years old : a great passion – Mr. Axel Vigino
What insect is it ?                                                                                                                                  
                Symbiosis between endotrophic  fungus  responsible of tracheomycosis
                  on  Juniper Spp and Pinus Mugus” - Mr. Luca Bragazzi

The reportage of the II Contest of the Asociacion Espanola de Suiseki of Alcobendas

16th-18th October 2009

Ayuntamiento de Alcobendas
Plaza Mayor, nº 1, Spain

Texts and photo of Mrs. Luciana Queirolo

Alcobendas, town under the jurisdiction of the autonomous Community of Madrid, is located at 13 km northward  of the Capital, after the half of the twentieth century and with the beginning  of democracy, has steadily grown  up to become  one of the main  towns  of the Madrid Community.

An administrative management careful to cultural initiatives has rendered possible the creation in 1994 of a Civil Museum of Bonsai, opened to the public, unique in its type and not only for the adopted architectonic solutions, but  just in its conduct, born from the union of two objectives:

from one side,  Mr. Luis Vallejo,  worldwide known bonsaist  and  his necessity to secure an adapt site to his collection; from the other side the Community of Alcobendas, that  has financed the project, the carrying out and that  is responsible of the  maintenance and preservation costs.

We have in four left with a will, bound to Madrid, running by car the endless travel, but enjoying the wonderful  landscapes, unfortunately grown dark, on the way back,  by a tricky downpour  rain and by the wind.

We have returned tired but thrilled by an high level event as a few.

The location of the Exhibition in the Hall of the Municipal Council of Alcobendas, has not favoured a substantial flow of visitors, being located in a complex of offices closed for the week end, but has favoured the exchanges among the members and the convivial and didactical activities.

Mr. Sean Smith, as usually, has shown himself as a friend for all, prior than a teacher and has dispensed advices in the most generous way.


To his workshop  we were in 16, between  “apprentices” and  “admitted observers”. 

The lectures, then, of Mrs. Mary Rose Bonet and Mr. Rafael Monje  have showed (if  we should ever had the  need)  and even if in a different manner, their capacities and  knowledges  acquired  during decades of passion for the stones’ art.


During the gala dinner (really worth of such name) Mr. Sean has delivered the awards that Mr. Jesus Quintas, Mr. Josè Manuel Blazquez, Mr. Juan Josè Bueno Gil, our A.I.A.S. members, obtained  in Puerto Rico (see AIAS Newsletter n°23)  where was awarded another eminent  member of ours: Mrs. Mary Rose Bonet .

Mr. Rafael Monje has received  by Mr. Sean  the United  Suiseki Association’s recognition as best  Spanish  expert collector  and the admiration for the very high  quality of stones and daiza.


Mr. Juan Josè has added  to his medal showcase the Award of the Bonsai Association of Alcobendas to the best display and the Certificate of the United Suiseki Association, always as best display.

Really, to exhibit some thing in addition to the table of suiseki, has been  an almost impossible enterprise to realize, having only 15 cm.  for each side out of  the table;  but during the General Meeting it has been approved the rule to assign one meter space to every participating stone.

Furthermore Mr.Sean Smith has assigned the Award for the best manufacturing of the daiza, made during the workshop to Mr. Carlos Gusi Zaidin.


The Organizers, Mr. Josè Manuel, Mr. Juan Josè and the President of the bonsai Club of  Alcobendas  ahead …. a winning team !


During the General Meeting, taking the point of the first year of… resurrection of the National Spanish Suiseki Association,  we have succeeded  to vote unanimously  the elimination  of the contests and awards  from the future A.E.S. Certamen !

A dream which I am pursuing in the A.I.A.S. since 1997 !

This voyage in Spain, thought and realized over all to join once at least with our most far away A.I.A.S. members, has been really a positive experience which is worth to be repeated next year, hoping that the small Italian group in the meantime becomes a caravan !

The suiseki of A.I.A.S. members


Mr. Angelo Attinà 

Mr. Angelo Attinà


Mr. Jose Manuel Blazquez

Mr. Jose Manuel Blazquez

Mr. Jose Manuel Blazquez


Mrs. Maria Rosa Bonet

Mrs. Maria Rosa Bonet

Mrs. Maria Rosa Bonet


Mrs. Maria Rosa Bonet

Mrs. Maria Rosa Bonet


Mr. Juan Jose Bueno Gil

Mr. Juan Jose Bueno Gil


Mr. Juan Jose Bueno Gil

Mr. Juan Jose Bueno Gil


Mr. Cesare Fumagalli

Mr. Cesare Fumagalli


Mrs. Pilar Guillen

Mrs. Pilar Guillen


Mrs. Luciana Queirolo

Mrs. Luciana Queirolo


Mr. Jesus Quintas

Mr. Jesus Quintas


The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Sean Smith


A famous suiseki of Mr. Rafael Monje


A wonderful Japanese exemplar of Mr. Peter Warren, favourite disciple of Mr. Kunio Kobayashi

The selling area , with suiseki of Mr. Sean Smith, from America and Japan, and the Japanese suiseki of Mr. David Sampson.




The second edition of the Autumn Exhibition “Boys town”

Rome, October 10th-11th 2009
II Autumn Exhibition 
"Boys town"

(report by Mrs.Daniela Schifano)
As AIAS member and guest of the organizing Club I am again called to make a short report of this autumnal event closing the roman season of Bonsai and Suiseki exhibitions.

Organized  by the Cultural Association  Rome Bonsai, this event contradicts itself for the domestic holiday atmosphere  which people can breathe : the environment, the premises, the Club’s generous hospitality put at disposal of the exhibitors , the lively small market of exchanges, the meetings and the confrontations, everything makes unequalled this event.  To this  aspect, which the two exhibition days render really pleasant  to live, it is connected an ever greater quality  search  of the displayed exemplars  and an elegant and refined setting.

Also in this occasion  Suiseki has had its spaces and for the first time  the Club for this event  has put at disposal a plate  to be assigned   to the “Best Suiseki”.

Mr. Fabrizio Buccini, called also this time to judge, has presented  out of contest  a multi-stand  titled “Meditation”.


Here are the suiseki exhibited : 

"The penguin"
Object stone
Mr. Paolo Bonaiuto

"In the silence"
Object stone
Mrs. Daniela Schifano

"At down"
Object stone
Mrs. Daniela Schifano

Without title
Lake stone
Mr. Antonio Marino
The plate “Best Suiseki Award” has been presented  to the ligurian stone of Mrs. Daniela Schifano “In the silence”. 

The N°10 of the “Bonsai & Suiseki Magazine” is on line. In this number...

The October number of the "Bonsai & Suiseki Magazine" has been published. Many the novelties: a new graphic format, well 130 pages, three new contributions.
In fact, starting from this number the cooperation with the paper Magazine Bonsai & News will start an exchange of articles between these important editorial realities.
Furthermore, thanks to the contribution of the Bonsai Creativo School/Accademy, a new section is born where Mr. Sandro Segneri  and the instructors of his school will furnish articles of very high didactic value.
Finally Mr. Michele Andolfo will have his rubric in which he will take up , month after month, of the design and stylization of one of "your" Bonsai.
The Magazine is visible and freely downloaded from the following links :
in Pdf format :

In dynamical graphic display and high definition of images:

In addition to the editorial of Mr. Antonio Ricchiari  "The Magazine 'flies high' ",  this number has in summary :
From Bonsai & Suiseki world                                                                                                             
             “The ZEN garden : reflections” – Mr. Gian Luigi Enny
             “Apulian olive trees : the olive trees of the Gargano” – Mr. Daniele Abbattista
             “Ink, mysterious mirror” – Mrs. Daniela Di Perna
             “The living stones of Mrs.Mirella and Mr.Andrea Schenone” – Mrs. Luciana Queirolo
             “The garden of Mr.  Bruno Beltrame”  - Mr.Luca Bragazzi
Exhibitions and events                                                                                                                         
             “XII A.I.A.S. Congress” – Mrs. Luciana Queirolo
             “IX So-Saku Award - XIV I.B.S. Congress” - Mr.Dario Rubertelli, Mr.Carlo Scafuri
From the pages of  Bonsai&News                                                                                                     
               “An easy little wood on a slab”– Mr. Nobuyuki Kajiwara
In the bookshop                                                                                                                                       
                “Mr. Masahiko Kimura” – Mr. Antonio Ricchiari
Bonsai ‘cult’                                                                                                                                             
                “When the recognitions are compulsory” – Mr. Antonio Ricchiari
My experience                                                                                                                                          
                 “Workshop at the MedBonsai” – Mr. Cosimo Fragomena
                 “The fairy Queen” – Mr. Rocco Cicciarello
                 “Juniperus Oxycedrus”  – Mr. Sergio Biagi
To Suiseki lesson                                                                                                                                   
                “Furyu” – Mrs. Luciana Queirolo
                “The living stone : the spirit of the stone ” – Mrs. Luciana Queirolo
We... of Bonsai Creativo School                                                                                                        
            “The american job : Hurricane, San Josè Juniper” – Mr. Sandro Segneri,
                  Mr. Daniele Abbattista
The opinion of ...                                                                                                                                    
                “Mr.Carlo Oddone” – Mr. Antonio Ricchiari
At school of aesthetics                                                                                                                            
                “The little wood- 1st Part”  – Mr. Antonio Ricchiari
The monthly species                                                                                                                                
                “The ficus - 2nd Part” – Mr. Antonio Acampora
Not everyone knows that ...                                                                                                                  
               “The silvestre pine” – Mrs. Elisabetta Ruo
Notes of cultivation                                                                                                                                 
                 The defoliation  - 2nd Part” – Mr. Luca Bragazzi
Bonsai Tecniques                                                                                                                                     
                 The  pot choosing  2nd Part” – Mr. Antonio Acampora
Oddone's corner                                                                                                                                       
                 The  maple tree” – Mr. Carlo Oddone
Club's life                                                                                                                                                   
                 “Medium Valdarno Bonsai Group Sec.Renzo Santini” – Mr. Francesco Santini
A bonsai designed for you                                                                                                                     
                “A bonsai designed for you ” – Mr. Michele Andolfo
Japan seen from the nearby                                                                                                                  
                "Sweetness and regrets" - Mrs. Anna Lisa Somma
              "To eat with eyes. The esthetics of food" - Mr. Antonio Ricchiari  
What insect is it ?                                                                                                                                   
                Environmental  damages by stress 2nd Part” - Mr. Luca Bragazzi
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