The stones awarded

For the A.I.A.S. Trophy 2019 and for the following Categories in competition :

  • Landscape Stones
  • Shelves
  • Object Stones
  • Biseki, Pattern Stones, Color Stones
  • Stones to admire

we are pleased to present the pictures of the awarded stones.

A.I.A.S. Trophy 2019


The A.I.A.S. Trophy 2019

to the landscape stone of
Mr. Paco Donato

"Autumn wind, a spirit across the sea"

Japan (Sajigawa ishi)

Mentions of Merit

Mention of Merit

to the biseki stone of
Mr. Giuseppe De Vita

"The two lakes"

Italy ( Tuscany )


Mention of Merit

to the landscape stone of
Mr. Ulisse Maccaferri

Without name

Italy ( Lombardia )


Mention of Merit

to the stone to admire of 
Mr. Aldo Marchese

"Refuge of the soul"

Italy (Salento Puglia)

"Landscape Stones" Category : First Prize

Mr. Diego Andreani

"Longmen Dragon gate"

Italy (Liguria)

"Shelves" Category : First Prize

Mrs. Daniela Schifano

"Reiwa the age of the harmony"

Japan ( Shimanto River)

"Object Stones" Category : First Prize

Associazione Shizuka Bonsai e Suiseki

"Juri Giulia"

Italy ( Liguria )

"Biseki, Pattern Stones, Color Stones" Category : First Prize

Mr. Nhut Le Son

"Little house on the praire"


"Stones to admire" Category : First Prize

Mr. Valter Giumelli

"Between Earth and Sky"

Japan (Sajigawa)

Judge : Mr. Vito Di Venere, BCI Ambassador for ESA

 Mr. Claudio Villa

"Landscape Stones" Category

"Moon reflections on the rice fields"

Italy (Liguria)

"I.B.S. Plaque" Award
Judge : I.B.S. Istructor  Mrs. Luciana Queirolo

 Mr. Umberto Ziniti

"Landscape Stones" Category

"Found the path I return to the valley"


"U.B.I. Plaque" Award
Judge : Mrs.Daniela Schifano,  UBI delegate

Mrs. Laura Monni

"Landscape Stones" Category

"In the flap of wings"

Japan (Kamogawa Beninagasi ishi)