Mr. Carlo Laghi relates about "Gonzaga 2013"

9th Market Show
9th-10th March 2013
Gonzaga (Mantova)

The appointment with Bonsai World, organized by the Gonzaga Bonsai Club,  gathers the enthusiasts of plants  and stones : Clubs and Associations of half Italy are invited. Also various sellers  of pots, plants, stones, and specific tools  were present.

For us of the A.I.A.S., a get together where members speak, discuss and compare each other without the worry of the awards , in friendship as the Maremmano ,  now  international nickname of the member Mr. Carlo Maria Galli,  says.

With great surprise ,  just arriving on Friday night, I have met Mr. Francesco Artifoni , A.I.A.S. member  of some year ago who  had displayed an interesting collection  of Katane (Japanese  swords) .



He has told us about all the manufacturing process of the swords, of the metal fusion, to the forging, the sharpening, the polishing and to the  different blessings of the various stages. The blades have an impressive edge.

As last year Mrs. Sonia was also present  with her Japanese dolls , also she has explained the various dolls and their meaning : on seeing the whole  it seemed a small court with the Emperor and wife.

Remarkable the silks and the colours of kimono  in exhibition.



The kimono  displayed 

  Mrs. Sonia during her lecture on japanese dolls  

The dolls of Mrs. Sonia : a whole glance 



Particulars of some dolls from which the perfection of the smallest particulars are evident.


To finish a parade  of pots, glasses, Raku and Gres  bowls : Two girls  manufactured  the various pieces  starting from the fluid part of the starting material , shaping it in the various typologies.
Let  us  speak  about the exhibition . On Saturday morning  after having placed stones  and plants in display , the opening ceremony  and the reception party ; for the description  about seventy stones there were exhibited.




The fitting

  The opening ceremony  

How many stones exhibited !

In the afternoon the member Mr. Maccaferri, supported by the President of the organizing  Club Mrs. Laura Redini,  has explained the way to build the daiza ;  nearby the table “SOS Bonsai”  with the Gonzaga  members at work.  



Ulisse, Laura and ... the daiza

  The A.I.A.S. members  

The position of the “SOS Bonsai”


On Sunday morning  “SOS Bonsai” goes on  and Mr. Igor Carino  (also he had been Aias member) test himself  in the manufacturing of a “Moon stone”  pot : starting from a fluid mass, it is moulded on a round stone, beated , dried with an hairdryer , refined  he has told us  the various phases manufacturing a very fine “Moon stone pot”.




From its establishment  the event  offers to the exhibitors  the food : the specialities of the territory  have been offered , the whole washed down with a very good Lambrusco  red sparkling wine.

And it will be  due to this very good light wine ….. but it seemed  to us that a very known personality  had  intervened !




The moment of the ….. libations!


To finish with Clubs and Associations  at the moment of greetings , a diploma and a Lambrusco wine confection, just labelled “Bonsai World”,  is offered. 

A dutiful thank to Mrs. Laura Redini and to all her Club  for the very nice welcome. 

A wish of prompt recovery  to Chiara , member of the organizing  Club, and good-bye  to next year.

Mr. Carlo Laghi

The suiseki in display


Mr. Angelo Attinà
Mr. Angelo Attinà


Mr. Angelo Attinà
Mr. Alberto Barduzzi
"Two summits "

Mrs. Cinzia Batignani
Mrs. Cinzia Batignani

Mrs. Cinzia Batignani
Mr. Marco Bellucci












Mr. Gianni Bonato
Mr. Gianni Bonato

Mr. Remo Cavalli
 "Where everything started"
Mr. Flavio Catrani

Mr. Felice Colombari
Mr. Felice Colombari

Mr. Felice Colombari
Mr. Mario Crema

Mr. Mario Crema
Mr. Mario Crema
"Starring sky"


Mr. Amedeo Ducoli
Mr. Amedeo Ducoli

Mr. Amedeo Ducoli
Mr. Amedeo Ducoli
 A particular

Mr. Amedeo Ducoli
 A particular
Amedeo Ducoli

Mr. Gian Luigi Enny
Mr. Gian Luigi Enny

Mr. Gian Luigi Enny
A particular
Mr. Gian Luigi Enny
A particular

Mr. Gian Luigi Enny
Mr. Cesare Fumagalli

Mr. Cesare Fumagalli
Mr. Cesare Fumagalli

Mr. Cesare Fumagalli
Mr. Cesare Fumagalli

Mr. Cesare Fumagalli
Mr. Cesare Fumagalli

Mr. Cesare Fumagalli
Mr. Cesare Fumagalli

Mr. Cesare Fumagalli
Mr. Cesare Fumagalli

Mr. Cesare Fumagalli
Mr. Cesare Fumagalli
 A particular

Mr. Cesare Fumagalli
 A particular
Mr. Cesare Fumagalli
 A particular

Mr. Carlo Maria Galli
  "The waiting"
Mr. Carlo Maria Galli
 "Mountain Chain"

Mr. Carlo Maria Galli
Mr. Carlo Maria Galli

Mr. Carlo Maria Galli
Mr. Carlo Maria Galli
  A particular

Mr. Carlo Maria Galli
A particular
Mr. Carlo Maria Galli
  A particular

Mr. Carlo Maria Galli
A particular
Mr. Carlo Maria Galli
  A particular

Mr. Ettore Gardini
  "Life promise"
Mr. Ettore Gardini
  "At daybreak"

Mr. Carlo Laghi
  "Morning Breeze"
Mr. Carlo Laghi

Mr. Carlo Laghi
Mr. Carlo Laghi

Mr. Carlo Laghi
Mr. Ulisse Maccaferri

Mr. Ulisse Maccaferri
Mr. Ulisse Maccaferri

Mr. Ezio Piovanelli
Mr. Ezio Piovanelli

Mr. Ezio Piovanelli
Mr. Primangelo Pondini
Time marker" 

Mr. Primangelo Pondini
 "A patch of infinity"
Mr. Danilo Pretolani
 "The dragon cove"

Mrs. Luciana Queirolo
Mrs. Luciana Queirolo 

Mrs. Luciana Queirolo
Mrs. Luciana Queirolo 

Mrs. Luciana Queirolo
Mrs. Luciana Queirolo 
Mrs. Luciana Queirolo

Mr. Renzo Rabitti
"The fortress"
Mr. Renzo Rabitti 

Mr. Renzo Rabitti
"Cobra snake" 
Mr. Roberto Rampazzo

Mr. Roberto Rampazzo
Mt. Roberto Rampazzo
"The tower"

Mr. Roberto Rampazzo
Mrs. Laura Redini

Mrs. Laura Redini
Mrs. Laura Segna
Pattern Stone

Mrs. Laura Segna
Mrs. Laura Segna
"The refuge"

Mr. Lorenzo Sonzini
Mr. Piero Torsani

Mr. Attilio Valdifiori
"Sweet hills"
Mr. Attilio Valdifiori

Club ABC of Castelfranco
Club ABC of Castelfranco