"Orizzonte Bonsai" Exhibition : Judge Jesus Quintas assessments
Pisa (Italy), 13-14 April, 2019
by Jesus Quintas |
Every time I am invited to perform as judge for a contest I experience a twofold sensation: that one of a stone admirer and that other of an examiner according to a somewhat established set of principles and criteria. |
The suiseki admirer is guided by an almost immediate perception of the hidden suggestion (yugen) and the unique and sober beauty (shibui) of the stone itself, but the judge evaluate the whole composition that embodies the stone as its main object. Of course, so often both ‘personalities’ agree on the appreciation of a stone, but this is not always the case and, in those situations, both feel unpleased.
Anyway, both sides agreed that this exhibition was wonderfully located within the “Leopolda Station” Activities Center as the large former railway warehouses allowed to fully appreciate the bonsai and suiseki exhibits and the trade area. They also agreed that the exhibition confirms the trend of Italian suiseki exhibitions to conform toko-kazari type; in present case, each exhibit was granted a space of about 100 (W) x 100 (H) x 50 (D) cm to contain the composition, framed with back and side light brownish panels. It was a true surprise to realize that even so an adjusted space was wisely used by the exhibitors to present even ‘three objects’ compositions providing a sense of emptiness.
As a result of his evaluation, this judge assigned the awards as follows:
1st Prize: Multiple composition, by Mr. Leonardo Ostuni
2nd Prize: “Come Aquila”, by Mr. Pietro Prudentino
3rd Prize: Human shaped stone, by Mr. Fabrizio Buccini
4th Prize: (for pattern and abstract stones), “Rabbit”, by Mrs. Cinzia Batignani
Merit Award: “Owakaduni”, by Mr. Igor Carino
Both sides, examiner and admirer agree in thanking to Mr. Leonardo Zinna and his devoted team for all the attention and help received and hope to have new opportunities to meet Italian suiseki friends and enjoy their beautiful stones and superb cuisine.
Other awards were granted as follows:
from Club L’Arte del Bonsai, Pisa, organizer of the event, to an innovative multiple composition by Mr. Carlo Maria Galli
from La Didattica Suiseki Applicata e il Laboratio Insoglio del Solegno, to “Il sentiero e la felicità”, by Mr. Francesco Romé
from Associazione Italiana Amatori Suiseki (AIAS), to a singular toyama, by Mr. Cesare Fumagalli
Jesùs Quintas |
Mrs. Luciana Queirolo informs that the evaluation process which led the judge to implement his selections will be shown in the next AIAS Newsletter Spring - Summer 2019. |
The suiseki awarded |


1st Prize
Multiple composition
by Mr. Leonardo Ostuni

2nd Prize
"Come aquila, in alto e nel vento, il paesaggio ammiro"
by Mr. Pietro Prudentino

3rd Prize
Human shaped stone
di Mr. Fabrizio Buccini


4th Prize (for pattern and abstract stones)
by Mrs. Cinzia Batignani


Mention of Merit
by Mr. Igor Carino

Club L’Arte del Bonsai, Pisa Award
Multiple composition
by Mr.Carlo Maria Galli


"La Didattica Suiseki Applicata e il Laboratorio Insoglio del Solegno" Award
"Il sentiero e la felicità"
by Mr. Francesco Romé


AIAS Prize
by Mr.Cesare Fumagalli