The stones awarded

For the A.I.A.S. Trophy 2018 and for the following Categories in competition :

  • Landscape Stones
  • Shelves
  • Object Stones
  • Biseki, Pattern Stones, Color Stones
  • Stones to admire

we are pleased to present the pictures of the first three classified stones.

A.I.A.S. Trophy 2018


The A.I.A.S. Trophy 2018

to the landscape stone of
Mr. Attilio Valdifiori

Without name

Italy (Liguria)

Mentions of Merit

Mention of Merit

to the landscape stone of
Mr. Riccardo Sorbino

"Silky Harmonies"

Japan (Setagawa Tora Ishi)


Mention of Merit

to the object stone of
Mr. Luca Vegni

"The goddess of the dream valley"

Italy (Tuscany - Maremma)


Mention of Merit

to the landscape stone of
Mr. Umberto Ziniti

"The enchanted lake"


"Landscape Stones" Category : First Prize

Mr. Ettore Gardini

"Journey in the memory of a friend"

Italy (Liguria)

"Shelves" Category : First Prize

Amatori Bonsai e Suiseki Genova Club

"The four elements"

Japan (Ashorogawa, Koutaro, Sajigawa)

"Object Stones" Category : First Prize

Mr. Emilio Capozza

"NIKKO the monk"


"Biseki, Pattern Stones, Color Stones" Category : First Prize

Mr. Amedeo Ducoli


Italy (Lombardia - Vallecamonica)

"Stones to admire" Category : First Prize

Mr. Sergio Bassi

"The Neverending Story"


Judge : Mr. Vito Di Venere, BCI Ambassador for ESA

 Mr. Ettore Gardini

"Landscape Stones" Category

"Journey in the memory of a friend"

Italy (Liguria)

"I.B.S. Plaque" Award
Judge : I.B.S. Istructor  Mr. Marco Petruzzelli

 Mr. Bartolomeo Corsini

"Object Stone" Category

"Winds of War"

Italy (Liguria)

"U.B.I. Plaque" Award
Judge : Mr. Igor Carino, UBI representative at EBA and ESA

Mr. Riccardo Sorbino

"Landscape Stones" Category

"Silky Harmonies"

Japan (Setagawa Tora Ishi)