Porcari (Lucca) 12nd - 13rd Ottobre 2013
XVIII National Congress of Bonsai and Suiseki Instructors
at the “Giuseppe Lazzareschi Foundation “ premises
Photo by Mrs. Luciana Queirolo |
Mr. Sandro Segneri, IBS President, had written :
“The sole aim of this Congress is to promote the Bonsai and Suiseki culture. The congressional activities will therefore propose , in addition to the exhibition of Bonsai and Suiseki exemplars, didactical activities which render usable the approaching to the two arts .”
And Mr. Massimiliano Bertini, president of the “Cultural Association of Bonsai Lucca”, young reality born at beginning of 2013 , writes :
“Two days which we will remember for long time , two days which have made us grow; the plates, in themselves are not important but it is important what there is behind, it is important to have in some way contributed to the culture, essential for understanding deeply a so ancient art which still with difficulty we succeed to signify with our plants. |
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I am happy to have heard encouraging words by the president of IBS Sandro Segneri, who urged us to try something more deep in the Bonsai and not only something of botanical technique”. |
For the Suiseki the IBS Instructor Chiara Padrini has participated to the event , in addition to Angelo Attinà, Ezio Piovanelli, Luciana Queirolo , IBS Instructors and AIAS members.
No IBS plate has been granted, therefore, out of the annual Scholarship.
Chiara Padrini , as BCI director for the suiseki , has assigned two BCI Honour medal to a Bonsai and to the Suiseki “ The wave” of Ezio Piovanelli.
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The exemplars in exhibition |
"The step of the giant tortoise"
Luciana Queirolo
Jiegou stone - China |
“Sweet landscape”
Mr. Angelo Attinà
Liguria |
Malachite on matrix
of Mrs. Chiara Padrini
China |
“The wave “
Mr. Ezio Piovanelli
Lombardia |

Mrs. Chiara Padrini
Dahua river stone
China |

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"The Life"
Mr. Angelo Attinà
Liguria |

"Waterfall Stone"
Mr. Ezio Piovanelli
Lombardia |