June 11th-13th 2010 , Zurich (Swiss)
Convention EBA & ESA
report by A.I.A.S. President Mrs. Luciana Queirolo
In the days 11th,12th and 13th June 2010 has been held in Swiss, in the premises of the Design Museum of Zurich the annual E.B.A. Congress, jointly with the European Suiseki Association Congress.
As assosciate and E.S.A. Board member , as representative of the Italian Association of Suiseki lovers, also associate of E.S.A., I had been informed about the unusual setting which our stones should have had : on isolated columns and without background, precluding every possibility to hang scrools ... an inadeguate scenography which, not leaving space to personal performances should have positively adapted the whole of the exhibition, giving space to the evocative power of the single exemplars displayed.
I could not be present but with two stones of mine, being satisfied to observe from photos what the Italians intervened in Zurich could enjoy "de visu". Suiseki of E.S.A. members have been placed in a small room of reduced dimensions and in case people should have presumed that the black walls should have dissimulated the real dimensions, widing same in the indefinite, on the contrary from the images a sense of waving oppression is evident.


The only vision which allows the observer diserve a comforting "breath" is the clear niche where the stone of our A.I.A.S. member Mr. Ezio Ferrari "Towards the sky" has been displayed, a stone which we had the chance to admire at the A.I.A.S. Congress 2009 in Lugano.
The sole judge Mr. Willi Benz has assigned the first price to a Furuya stone of Mr. Harald Lehner (from Mr.Arishige Matsuura) and the second place to the "Toyana-ishi" of E.S.A. president in office Mr. Igor Barta.


Kinzan-seki of
Mr. Harald Lehner
Toyama-ishi of
Mr.Igor Barta

The A.I.A.S. member Mr. Claudio Nuti has been awarded with the third place with the Chinese object stone, winner of the first price "Object stone category" at the A.I.A.S. Congress 2010 in San Marino.
To the landscape stone of the A.I.A.S. member Mr. Ettore Gardini, UBI prize 2010, has been assigned the BCI Award.


To the Kinzan-seki of Mr. Harald Lehner has been presented the A.I.A.S. plate delivered by A.I.A.S. Vice President Mr. Marino Nikpal and by Board member Mr. Vito Di Venere.
In addition to the suiseki "Tormenting nostalgia" of Mrs. Luciana Queirolo, A.I.A.S. Trophy 2009 and to the viewing stone of Mr. Enzo Ferrari, the participation of the Italian Exhibitors, members of the A.I.A.S., has been much large as well as the numerical presence of Italian visitors.

The other stones of the partecipating A.I.A.S. members.


Mr. Amedeo Ducoli
Mr. Amedeo Ducoli
Mr. Angelo Attinà
Mr. Angelo Attinà
Mr. Sergio Bassi
Mr. Giuseppe De Vita
Mr. Giuseppe De Vita
Mr. Vito Di Venere
Mr. Marino Nikpal
Mrs. Luciana Queirolo
"The Wave" , of Mr. Jesús Quintas
"Iwojima", lake stone of Mr. Jesús Quintas
Mr. Jesus Quintas, A.I.A.S. member and E.S.A. Board member, reports :
"For the next year the Congress will take place in Dusseldorf (Germany) from Septeber 30th to October 2nd in a large structure while for the 2012 in Slovenia around May-June. Always in 2011 an International Exhibition of Bonsai and Suiseki will be held in Praga around Ma-June."
A section of the exhibition has been reserved exclusively to some meiseki of Mr. Martin Pauli collection, known expert who attended as Judge in 2009 A.I.A.S. Congress of Lugano.