Stones to admire

"Stones to admire" Category

Mr. Diego Andreani
"Manaita cliff"
China (Guangxi)

Mr. Sergio Bassi
"The Neverending Story"
Italy ( Liguria )


Mr. Amedeo Ducoli

"The fairy, along  the way to Mordor"
Italy (Liguria)

Mr. Leonardo Finetti

Without name
Italy (Tuscany - Maremma)


Mr. Valter Giumelli

"Memory wave returns"
China (Three Gorges)

Mr. Carlo Laghi

"Source of life"


Mrs. Virna Marchi

Italy (Lombardia)

Mr. Antonio Marino

Italy (Campania)


Mr. Marino Nikpal

"Push by the wind"
Dalmazia ( HR )

Mr. Pietro Prudentino

"Remembering the legend"
Italia (Lombardia)


Mrs. Luciana Queirolo

"Hands at sea - bitter hands"
Italy (Lombardia)

Mr. Carlo Vanni

Without name