Mr. Carlo Laghi relates about "Gonzaga 2010"

The Bonsai World Fair, simultaneously with “The Lambrusco and tastes of Italy”, is arrived to the 6th edition and now has become a classic appointment for bonsai and suiseki lovers.
In Gonzaga, Saturday 13th and Sunday March 14th, 20 Aias members together with other stones’ enthusiasts among which Mrs. Laura Redini (President of the Gonzaga Club), Mr. Fabrizio Buccini (well known daiza carver), the Master Shozo Tanaka , have prepared an invidiable suiseki exhibition both for the number and for the stones’ quality.

The expositive spaces

I wish old Aias members do not bear me a grundge if I do not speak  about them and of their stones, but I would like to speak about all those people (among which also our new members) who face this wonderful art : to their first exhibitions, I saw them deeply moved, it seems to me as to be at the first exhibition in Carmagnola in 2003, thirsty of advices about how to present, but over all on how to built daiza, which tools to be used for the printing, for the contour, for obtaining the feet.
It comes to my mind one of such meetings and the theory has not been sufficient to solve all their doubts; in the talk we have had on Saturday afternoon we, old members, replying to the questions of Mrs. Laura , even using very simple terms, we have realized that the major part of the public had difficulty to follow us. For the future we should let follow living demonstrative workshops to the talks.

The didactic moment

I have asked myself why the success for this event ?
Surely , because the enthusiasts , the beginners, the lovers and the clubs are kept in consideration , for two days they are at the centre of the event   and over 80-90 people sitting to eat all together and to continue to talk about cutters, woods, stones, pruning, repotting is a very nice thing. Pilotta rice , dumplings with mantovani salami , grilled beef, shakes, greek cake , very good bread, all washed down with lambrusco wine of the “Millenary” - the week-end menu.
On Sunday evening, before to greet each other, I have asked someone of them how they had spent these two days : their eyes shined. For duty record I have to speak also about Sunday afternoon when the Bonsai Master Diego Rigotti, helped by the boys of his Club “Trentina Bonsai Association” has worked a yamadori Sylvester Pine, an exemplar about 1,5 mt high.
What can I say about Gonzaga Bonsai Club members who have so well given hospitality ?:
“Thanks to exist”
Mr. Carlo Laghi
From AIAS a warm welcome to new members : Mr. Alberto Barduzzi, Mr. Giuseppe Cordone, Mr. Mario Crema, Mr. Silvio Galimberti, Mr. Claudio Pecol, Mr. Vincenzo Ziliotti.
We publish a suiseki for every participant, chosen among the stones exhibited. 

Club Amatori Bresciani
Mr. Angelo Attinà

Mr. Alberto Barduzzi
Mrs. Cinzia Battignani

Mr. Fabrizio Buccini
Mr. Felice Colombari

Mr. Mario Crema
Mr. Cesare Fumagalli

Mr. Carlo Maria Galli
Mr. Carlo Gori

Mr. Carlo Laghi
Mr. Ulisse Maccaferri

Mr. Marino Nikpal 
Mr. Primangelo Pondini

Mr. Renzo Pooli
Mrs. Luciana Queirolo

 Mr. Renzo Rabitti
Mr. Roberto Rampazzo

 Mrs. Laura Redini
Mr. Shozo Tanaka

 Mr. Claudio Villa
Mr. Giancarlo Zarotti