September 30th 2011 - October 2nd, Ratingen (Germania)
by Mrs. Luciana Queirolo, A.I.A.S. President
the German Bonsai Club and the local Bonsai Club Nordrhein-Westfalen have organized the EBA-ESA Convention 2011 in the premises of “The House of Sport” in Ratingen, near Dusseldorf, Germany , from September 30th to October 2nd 2011.
We thank the organizers and particularly Mr. Jurgen Stodt, Mr. Klaus Willberg, President of the Executive Committee and Mr. Axel Paduch (President of the North Rhine/Westfalia Federation and Business Manager of BCD).
AIAS members attending in Ratingen
and squeezing around
Dr. Thomas Elias
The “House of Sport” is a perfect location:
near to Dusseldorf Airport and easily reachable by different ways by foreign visitors.
From the south border of Liguria, we have crossed Switzerland and a large part of Germany along a journey of over 1100 Km.
But there have been many Italian Bonsai lovers whom have with courage undertaken a much longer journey than ours.
The exhibitions and the workshops, the lectures and the contests have taken place on two floors of this large building.
At ground floor, Area for vendors stalls (dealers arriving from various European countries) ESA Suiseki Exhibition, Lectures Hall, Workshops Hall, Area EBA Bonsai Exhibition
At first floor : Exhibition of local German Bonsai Club, Shohin Exhibition, European Bonsai Talent Contest, Meeting Hall.

Shohin of Mr. Aurelio De Capitani
Juniperus Chinensis of Mr.Hartmut Munchenbach
In exhibition, 200 Bonsai and over 50 suiseki.
The ESA President Mr. Igor Barta during his speech at Congress opening ceremony.
ESA honor guest Dr. Thomas Elias and his very well informed wife Mrs. Hiromi Nakaoji.
Dr. Elias , together to ESA President Mr. Igor Barta, to Vice President Mr. Vito Di Venere and to Mr. Jesus Quintas acted in the jury which assigned the 5 ESA President’s Awards. Dr. Elias, on Saturday October 1st , at 14.00 hrs. had an interesting lecture on Chrysanthemum stones.
Eminent guests attending , Mr. Arishige Matsuura and wife , guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lehener. Mr. Matsuura has assigned three certificates of recognition and has had a lecture on Japanese Suiseki , always on Saturday 1st , at 10.00 hrs.
This international three–days took place in a quiet and friendly atmosphere and has at same time given the possibility to the persons present to enjoy the beauties of the old town centre of Ratingen and of the very near and full of story town of Dusseldorf.
This year a wonderful bronze plaque ESA Trophy has been forged to be symbolically granted to the absolute winning suiseki, but same will be kept by the President who will insert a small plate with the name of the stone’s owner who will receive a medal and a certificate.
With unanimous approval, this first edition of the ESA Trophy has been assigned to our Chairman Mr. Willi Benz who, since almost twenty years, promotes the
Association worldwide, has looked after the publication of the ESA Newsletter, has firmly taken care of the contacts with every single member.

Italy has cut a “fine figure” : two Ligurian Palombino Stones and a sandstone from Tuscany
have received three of the five recognitions awards offered as a prize by the ESA President.
The domon-ishi of Mr.Sergio Bassi,
as AIAS delegation, AIAS Trophy 2010.
The Sansui keijo-seki of Mrs. Luciana Queirolo , UBI plaque at AIAS 2011 Congress.
A sugata-ishi recently “produced”
by Mr. Angelo Attinà.
The other two ESA President plaques , to Mrs. Sarka Cermakova and to Mr.Michal Sebo.
Mrs. Luciana Queirolo and Mr. Marino Nikpal (President and Vice President AIAS) have assigned the AIAS plaque to a suiseki of Mr. Igor Barta: a stone which contain the traditional Japanese spirit in an European material , coming from the Ceka Republic . The same stone has met the satisfaction of Mr. Matsuura.
The other two recognition award of Mr. Matsuura , have awarded: Mrs. Lehner and the same stone Of Mr. Michal Sebo, already awarded.
Two tokonomas were prepared:
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A Danseki of Mr. Arishige Matsuura
Origin: Kamogawa, Japan
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A Mizutamari-ishi of Mr. Riichi Baba
Origin: Kamogawa,Japan
The ESA 2011 Congress is just ended and we already make plans for the next appointment :
May 11th-13th 2012 . Which stones to bring ? Time is running short , the journey will be as much as long but….. Lubijana , in Slovenia ! Who can miss a so alluring destination ?
Mrs. Luciana Queirolo