The italian stones on Viewing Stone Association of North America website

Great satisfaction, pride and gratitude animate us in learn about publication on VSANA Viewing Stone Association of North America of the article : Stone Appreciation in Italy & The AIAS:
Dr. Thomas Elias, who honored us with his presence, with his conference and with the Judgment on the stones exposed to the AIAS Congress 2015 in Aversa (CT) He is the creator and responsible, together with Dr. Hiromi Nakaoji, of this website.
But the greatest honor that Tom has done to us is in having published our stones dividing by region and then make public this work that not even we (directly involved) had never thought of doing:
A Galactic Thanks to the generosity of dr. Tom Elias (who graciously agreed to be our Honorary Member) and his "right arm", dr. Hiromi Nakaoji.
   Luciana Queirolo
on Behalf of  A.I.A.S.