On Sunday 7th and Sunday 14th November has taken place in the circle of the "Prezious White Truffle Feast of Romagna" the Suiseki Exhibition "Castle of Cusercoli", arrived this year to the 7th edition.
In the fittings of the two halls put at disposal by the Proloco (Municipal Tourist Board) the "Hercules Lock", the philosophy already experienced last year has been followed to let know, the citizen of Cusercoli and other visitors, besides the stones also the work of Bonsai & Suiseki of Forlì Club's members.
Namely we have tried to present stones that during this year have been awarded in the various national and foreign exhibitions, to present possibly always new stones of the various categories never exhibited and to present various displays with scrolls following as example the passing of the seasons.
The venues of the exhibition : the outside, the staging and the public: |
“ Pietre e parole
dolce è il ricordo
a Cusercoli “
This year novelty is the Haiku poetry : thanks to the poetical inspiration of the member Mr. Alberto Barduzzi , it has been possible to link together different compositions to the stones.
Personally I must say that this procedure has fully satisfied me and the others both as participations and as interest of the participating public.
Let's now come to the pure exhibition of the stones. The 23 stones, justly distributed in the various categories, have been examined by our dearest friend, as well as board member Mr. Ulisse Maccaferri, A.I.A.S. Treasurer.

Ulisse has choosen as best stones :
"The time... sun, water and wind" of Mr. Ettore Gardini (already winner of the U.B.I. Award 2010 in San Marino and of the B.C.I. Award at the E.S.A. exhibition 2010 in Zurich);
"Go away mighty godfather" by Mr. Alberto Barduzzi (it is also the choosen stone as preferred by the public on Sunday 7th;
"I already feel home air" , multi stand of Mr. Claudio Villa;
"The earth of the ancestors" landscape of Mr. Primangelo Pondini;
"On the way back" multi stand presented by Mr. Carlo Laghi and for its colours
"Autumn sun" landscape of Mr. Alberto Barduzzi.
The day, as usually, has elapsed "with the legs under the table".On greeting you , I renew the invitation for the next year.
Carlo Laghi
The suiseki in exhibition

The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Alberto Barduzzi


"Go away mighty godfather"
Best object stone
"Autumn sun"
Mention of Merit
“Sono il cuore
che solo ti nasconde
ogni autunno”
“Sole d'autunno
tingi foglie di sera
il monte arde”

The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Renzo Elespini


"Over the path"

The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Ettore Gardini


"Black tower"
"The time ... sun, water and wind"
Best landscape stone

The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Carlo Laghi


grand mother Victoria"


"King Kong"
"King Kong"


"The morning breeze inhibts
your decency"
"On the way back"
Mention of Merit



"On the way back"
A particular
"On the way back"
A particular
"On the way back"



"Masked ball"
"Masked ball"
"Masked ball"

The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Primangelo Pondini


"The silence of time "


"Far away lands"
"The earth of ancestors"
Mention of Merit
“Tutta la terra
degli avi percorro
fin nel profondo”


The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Danilo Pretolani

"Spiritual Guide"
"Little arch"

The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Attilio Valdifiori


"Without time"
"The bridge"

The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Claudio Villa


"North-West passage"
"I already feel home air"
Best multi stand



"I already feel home air"
A particular
"I already feel home air"
A particular
"I already feel home air"
