Mr.Carlo Laghi relates the 6th Suiseki Exhibition-Parade at Cusercoli Castle

8th and 15th November 2009

6th Suiseki   Exhibition-Parade “ Castle of Cusercoli ” 


Castle of Cusercoli - (Forlì - Cesena)
Report of Mr. Carlo Laghi

On the two Sundays 8th  and 15th November 2009  the 6th   Suiseki  Exhibition-Show  has taken place, cared by the members of the Forlì Bonsai & Suiseki Club, six of whom  are A.I.A.S. members, in the ambit of the annual “ Romagna White Precious Truffle Feast “.

View of Cusercoli Castle

This year two rooms have been reserved on two different levels  because the usual premise with a bricks’ vault of the ex castle cellars  was occupied by another exhibition.  This opportunity has allowed us to stage the exhibition differently : we have thought  that staging on the upper level  bigger tokonoma  with scrolls related to the various seasons, as example, either we or the public visitors  could grow.

Furthermore  the stones classified in the A.I.A.S. Congress in Lugano  and  other stones classified on  previous years exhibitions in the castle which had not yet been,  have now been  presented.

On Saturday 14th November afternoon, Mr. Ulisse Maccaferri, our dearest friend, and also Board member of A.I.A.S. , has examined  the stones in display and, following the Japanese standards,  has selected the best landscapes, object and various  categories  stones such as :  “Lost” of Mr. Primangelo Pondini, “Geisha” of Mr. Claudio Villa, “Dunes”, biseki of Mr. Primangelo Pondini, and mentioned  “Monte Fuji”of Mr. Ettore Gardini and “The park’s guardian” multi display stand of Mr. Carlo Laghi.


                      The suiseki exhibition in the new premises at disposal.


The day has ended with “the legs under the table” and  we consumed a very good “Romagnola” dinner  at the “Pocina” restaurant, there were present, in addition to us, also two friends  (one “romagnolo” and the other “parmense”; the diligent Mr. Pondini  has started the construction  of a daiza  and, on seeing the great interest we expect, in a near and not far future, to include two new A.I.A.S. members.

Just for duty of chronicle, the public on Sunday November 8th  had choosen  “In the middle of the sea”, a landscape stone in a suiban of Mr. Danilo Pretolani.

I seize this opportunity to send him a warm thank-you from all of us  as trustworthy driver of the Ape 50 tricar who has brought up to the castle   the numerous boxes, small tables and what else, relieving,  not a little, our strains.

The suiseki in exhibition

The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Lorenzo Elespini

"The hut"

The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Ettore Gardini



Mention of merit

 The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Carlo Laghi

"The park’s guardian"

Mention of merit

"The park’s guardian"

A particular





"The landing place"

"The traveller"


"Last snow"

"Alpine memories"


"Alpine memories" 

A particular

"Alpine memories"

A particular

"Alpine memories"

A particular

 The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Primangelo Pondini


Best Biseki

"The grandfather’s land"



Best landscape stone


"The seeker"

"The grandmother"

 The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Danilo Pretolani

"In the middle of the sea"

"The unknown"

The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Venanzio Turci

"The maternity"

The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Attilio Valdifiori


"Where rivers flow"

"Water streams at moonlight"

The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Claudio Villa

"Wild summits"


Best object stone

"Rainy cloud is wetting "

my summits