XV Bonsai and Suiseki Exhibition of the San Marino Coordination Emilia-Romagna
November 24th and 25th 2012
XV Bonsai and Suiseki Exhibition
of the San Marino Coordination Emilia-Romagna
Report by Mr. Carlo Laghi |
The annual appointment of the C.E.R.S.M., initially expected in September in Ferrara , on account of the earthquake, has shifted to the end of November organized by the Romagna Bonsai Club in Rimini.
The postponement has allowed to the visitors to observe the plants, and in particular the deciduous ones, in their winter appearance : the missing of leaves , inevitably has laid bare and in evidence the smallest defect.
Eight Bonsai Clubs and two Bonsai Schools there were present for a total of 39 plants and 27 stones (the home Club has furthermore showed 16 bonsai and suiseki of members). The Clubs were allowed to present in contest 4 plants and 2 stones each one : we of the Forlì Club , having especially lovers of stones , we have applied the primaries and for the stones those of Mr. Claudio Villa and Mr. Primangelo Pondini have participated to the contest.
IThe work has allowed me to participate , and to attend only on Sunday. As soon as arrived I have seen the stones , the plats, the fittings ,the working and lectures spaces, the secretary office: we are speaking of the hall placed at the first floor in the building of the Arengo which looks on Cavour square right in the historical centre; an hall of high capacity 38 mts. long and 14,50 mts. wide.
For the occasion tables for 90 linear mts. have been arranged, but further 10 linear mts. were available : do you imagine an hall containing 100 exhibition places full of stones in a future AIAS Congress ?? |
The exhibition places |
The Secretary office |
The lectures space |
The workshops space |
The regional Coordination is reserved to the Clubs and to their members of the region and I could never have expected to meet the AIAS member Mrs. Laura Monni , roman citizen here in Rimini. I had promised to the AIAS member Mr. Remo Cavalli, organizer of the event, that I should have attended to a lecture and I would have talked about my experiences in the suiseki field and that I have done. |
The contest “Regional Talent” |
The …speaker of the lecture |
At the end of the lecture I and the other members have met and talked with Mr. Hong and his daughter Miyuen (Korean living in Milan who had already visited us at the 2011 Bonsai World in Gonzaga).
They had brought 7 stones of which , in my opinion, 4 or 5 outstanding ones , and in the afternoon we have discussed of these stones for a couple of hours.
They will be revisiting Bonsai World 2013 in Gonzaga.
The stones of the friend Hong |
AIAS has granted the patronage to this event because the Romagna Bonsai Club is duly entered with the Association; the attendance of board members and old members has allowed to assign the plate put at disposal : for not facing discussions, it has been decided to exclude the stones, even superior , of AIAS members and the plate has been presented to the landscape stone of Mr. Valerio Perdonà.
The AIAS members, Mr. Remo Cavalli and Mr. Claudio Villa, deliver the AIAS plate to Mrs. Perdonà. |
The stone winning the AIAS Plate. |
The numerous visitors have chosen, as preferred stone, the landscape “Stormy summits” of Mr. Claudio Villa, already winner of the AIAS Trophy 2006. Resuming for the report the winners : |
For suiseki :
1°Mr. Claudio Villa with a landscape stone
2° Mr. Renzo Rabitti
with a landscape stone
3° Mr. Primangelo Pondini c
with a landscape stone
Aias Plate to Mr. Valerio Perdonà
Visitors’ Award to Mr. Claudio Villa |
For bonsai :
1° Mr. Remo Cavalli with a Korean hornbeam
2° Mr. Davide Cardin with country elm
3° Mr. Fernando Poli with an acer
UBI Plate to Mr. David Cardin
IBS Plate to Mr. Robert Semprini
Memorial Faitanin of the RSM Club to Mr. Stefano Frisoni
CERSM Regional Talent to Mr. Enrico Masini
Visitors’ Award to Spazio Bonsai
The plates |
The Aias member Mr. Remo Cavalli , receives the plate 1st classified of Bonsai contest.
From my part I thank the organizer friend , together with his Club , to have involved me in this successful exhibition . |
Mr. Carlo Laghi |
The suiseki in display |



Mr. Alberto Barduzzi
Mr. Alberto Barduzzi
"I am the hearth"


Mr. Rolando Calanca
Mr. Rolando Calanca
"Snowy peak" |


Mr. Flavio Catrani
"Toward the future"
Mr. Flavio Catrani
"Rocky mountains" |


Mr. Remo Cavalli
Mr. Remo Cavalli
"Mammuth" |

Mr. Remo Cavalli
"Intriguing presence"


Mr. Ettore Gardini
"The time... sun water and wind"
Mr. Ulisse Maccaferri


Mr.Ulisse Maccaferri
Landscape Stone
Mr. Ulisse Maccaferri
Object Stone


Mr. Ulisse Maccaferri
Landscape Stone
Mr. Ulisse Maccaferri
Object Stone


Mrs. Laura Monni
"Magic at Sesel"
Mr. Leo Mugellesi
"Owlet "


Mr. Leo Mugellesi
Mr. Valerio Perdonà
AIAS Plate


Mrs. Maria Petillo
Mrs. Maria Petillo
"The lion"


Mr. Primangelo Pondini
3° Prize
"A patch of infinity"
Mr. Renzo Rabitti
2° Prize
"Lovers’ Cove"


Mr. Renzo Rabitti
Mr. Daniele Rinaldi
"St.Mary (At daybreak of a new world)" |


Mr. Piero Torsani
Mr. Piero Torsani |


Mr. Claudio Villa
1° Prize
"Red traces at sunset"
Mr. Claudio Villa
Visitors’ award
"Stormy summits" |