"Landscape Stones" Category |
ABC del Bonsai Castelfranco Emilia
Without name
Italy (Emilia Romagna)
Mr. Antonio Acampora
"As if the Milky Way fell from the sky"
Italy ( Liguria )
Mr. Gianni Bonato
Without name
Italy (Lombardia)
Bonsai Club Castelli Romani
"Solitary cliff"
Italy (Liguria)
Mr. Emilio Capozza
"Where eagles venture"
Mr. Enrico Cattaneo
"Up there!!"
Italy (Lombardia)
Mr. Patrizio Chico
"Collecting in the emptiness, the still water, hardens"
Italy (Lazio)
Mr. Vito Di Venere
"Stormy summits"
Italy (Basilicata)
Mr. Paco Donato
"The haze is too narrow to fill the Musashino plain"
(Hattori Ransestsu)
Japan (Kamuikotan - Ishikari river - Hokkaido)
Mr. Cesare Fumagalli
Without name
Italy (Veneto)
Mr. Ettore Gardini
"Journey in the memory of a friend"
Italy (Liguria)
Mr. Tiberio Gracco
"Here to the moon"
Italy (Campania)
Mr. Carlo Laghi
"After the storm - Remembering Felix"
Italy (Liguria)
Out of contest
Mrs. Raffaella Lupetti
"Constant dropping wears away a stone"
Italy (Trentino)
Mr. Ulisse Maccaferri
Without name
Italy (Lombardia)
Mrs. Elvira Manuti
"Raganello Gorges"
Italy (Basilicata)
Mrs. Virna Marchi
"The path of life"
Italy (Liguria)
Mrs. Laura Monni
Japan (Hokkaido - Kamuikotan)
Mr. Leonardo Musolesi
"Autumn’s sunset"
Italy (Tuscany)
Mr. Claudio Nuti
"Sun at sunset, vermilion colors,
soft and sweet melancholy"
France (Corsica)
Mr. Renzo Perfumo
"Full moon"
Italy (Liguria)
Mr. Marco Petruzzelli
"Mount Fuji top"
Italy (Basilicata - Torrente Locone)
Mr. Ezio Piovanelli
"On top of seagull wings"
Italy (Liguria)
Mr. Pietro Prudentino
" When everything turns red"
Italy (Lombardia)
Mr. Giorgio Rosati
"Kage Tsuki (Moon's shadow)"
Japan (Setagawa)
Club Satori - percorsi bonsai
Without name
Italy (Trentino)
Mrs. Daniela Schifano
"Night music from the silence of the mountain"
Japan (Shimantogawa)
Scuola Suiseki do Groane
Without name
Italy (Lombardia)
Mr. Lorenzo Sonzini
Without name
China ( pietra Ying)
Mr. Riccardo Sorbino
"Silky Harmonies"
Japan (Setagawa Tora Ishi)
Mr. Attilio Valdifiori
Without name
Italy (Liguria)
Mr. Carlo Vanni
Without name
Italy (Liguria)
Mr. Andrea Zambelli
Without name
Mr. Umberto Ziniti
"The enchanted lake"