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The N°5 of the “Bonsai & Suiseki Magazine” is on line. In this number...
We announce the publication of the 5th number of the "Bonsai & Suiseki Magazine" of May 2009 reporting a letter of Mr. Felix G. Rivera, the famous suiseki expert resident in Albany (San Francisco) who sends his compliments and his suggestions, in confirmation of the broad support, also international, of the Magazine.
In addition to the article of Mr. Antonio Ricchiari , "Bonsai & Suiseki Magazine: the first on line review", making a first balance of its first four numbers, the fifth number has in summary :
From Bonsai & Suiseki world
“The Zen Garden” – Mr. G.L.Enny
“Metamorphosis” - Mr. S.Bassi
“The holistic therapies” – Mr. G.Terlizzi
Exhibitions and events
“BonsaiZone exhibition '09” – Mr. C. De Bari
“III Congress of Rivalta” - Mr. S.Guerra
“Bonsai Pledge” - Mrs. P. Di Giulio
In the bookshop
“Bonsai. The wood : Nature in miniature” – Mr. A.Ricchiari
“The fullness of the nothingness” – Mr. A.Ricchiari
Bonsai ‘cult’
“The demonstrations” – Mr. G.Genotti
“Ethics and bonsai” – Mr. A.Ricchiari
My experience
“The occasion of doing 2nd Part” – Mr. V.Cannizzo
“Let us repot a ficus” – Mr. D.Rubertelli
“Evolutive path of a rural Acer ” – Mr. A.Dal Col
To suiseki lesson
“Sandstones” – Mrs. L.Queirolo
The opinion of.
“Mr. Donato Danisi” – Mr. G.Monteleone
At school of aesthetics
"Esthetics of the formal upright” – Mr. A.Ricchiari
The monthly species
“Azalea” – Mr. R.Smiderle
Notes of cultivation
“Micro elements” – Mr. L.Bragazzi
Bonsai Techniques
“The pruning of deciduous” – Mr. G.Genotti, Mr. A.Ricchiari
Club's life
“BonsaiZone” – Mr. C. De Bari
What insect is it ?
“Plant pathology 5th Part” - Mr. L.Bragazzi
We have received from Jesús Quintas A.I.A.S. member...
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We have received from Mr. Jesús Quintas A.I.A.S. member all pictures of the stones E.S.A. participating in the exhibition at XXV European Bonsai & Suiseki Convention. |
We publish them with pleasure, accompanied by the name of the owner, the poetic name of the stone and place of origin. During the event, the vice-chairman A.I.A.S. Mr. Marino Nikpal gave to Mrs. Maria Rosa Bonet the A.I.A.S. Award Recognition for Suiseki "Near Stone Mountain", stone that has earned the first prize of E.S.A. Exibition. |
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by Mr. Jesús Quintas
Suiseki Exhibition |
Suiseki (or viewing stones, up to you) were exhibited in a separate room with about 65 linear meters, divided in two sections: E.S.A. exhibition (for registered E.S.A. members) and Open exhibition (for other stone-lovers) with 40 and |
The effect on the general public and many bonsai people was striking: many people realized then and there the reasons of our illness and wondered they were only rocks picked from the wild; I must also admit that it was hard trying to explain the principles of our art, but we did our best. Many attendants also wondered about the similar level of two sections, as it could be expected Open exhibition be a ‘class B’. Let me unveil the trick: selection of stones of Spanish people was performed by myself and, as many of them presented stones for both sections, I deliberately tried to keep both sections as balanced as possible, in order to keep high the interest on the whole exhibition. |
Though I personally prefer not granting awards, it is to be realized that they encourage participation and, when unbiased, provide some hints on the characteristics looked for in our art. The organizers accepted the suggestion of granting three awards for every section and decided by live exhibitors (no delegated vote) ballot: every present exhibitor was given a separate sheet for every section, to note up to three stones in each (all stones were numbered). In the early Saturday evening, votes were counted and the prizes corresponded to: |
1º “Near mountain stone”,
2º “Village” (France), Mrs. Pilar Guillén (
3º “Horeb Rock”, Abegawa (
1º “Suseok”, (Korea), Mrs. Chiara Padrini (Italia)
2º “Suavidad
3º “Piedra isla”, Guipúzcoa (Spain), Mr. Miguel Pérez Caballero (Spain)
In addition, B.C.I. awards were given to “Near mountain stone”, of Mrs. Rosa Bonet, and “Piedra isla” , of Mr. Miguel Pérez Caballero, and an A.I.A.S. award was assigned to "Near mountain stone”, Catalonia (Spain), of Mrs. Rosa Bonet.. Furthermore, Mrs. Rosa Bonet received an special merit award for her contribution to spreading the knowledge of suiseki in |
ESA General Meeting |
Probably the most striking new was the retirement of Mr. Willi Benz as President, though he will continue as member of the Board and Chairman (a non-executive, but representative position); he proposed Mr. Igor Barta as new President and it was unanimously accepted. The position of Secretary has also transferred from Mrs. Gudrun Benz to Mr. Michael Sebo, while Mrs. Gudrun will help in the transition as Deputy Secretary. Mr. José Manuel Blázquez, from |
Images |
The stones of the A.I.A.S. members |
Mr. Jesús Quintas A.I.A.S. member, and its stone waterfall, 3rd prize ESA Mr. Jesús gave an interesting lecture on the theme: "Identification and positioning of stones”. Detailed news on Spring 2009 A.I.A.S. Newsletter. |
Mrs. Pilar Guillen, a great friend and A.I.A.S. supporter, during her lecture focused on her personal approach to stone appreciation. |
The third lecture was assumed by Teresa Aguilera and was also supported by text and graphics presentation. The main issue was about the conjunction of feeling and skills for a better stone appreciation. |
The other stones |
The images of the suiseki exhibited in Spain on the XXV European Congress EBA-ESA
We point out the link on the page of the AIAS member Josè Manuel Blazquez :
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where the images of the suiseki exhibited in Spain on the XXV European Congress EBA-ESA have been published. |
The full reportage of the XIII UBI Congress on the official site of the Association
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On the UBI official web-site has been published the full reportage of the XIII National Congress, available on the link :
The XXV European Bonsai & Suiseki Convention EBA-ESA
From 6th to 8th March 2009 in Lorca -Murcia (Spain)
XXV European Bonsai & Suiseki Convention EBA-ESA
Report by Mr. Vito Di Venere |
In the wonderful setting of the Santa Quitera Fair enclosure in Lorca (Spain) , organized by the Spanish Association of Bonsai (AEB) and Suiseki (AES) has taken place the XXV EBA-ESA Convention. |
The event, under the high patronage of King Juan Carlos I, King of Spain, and of the Authorities of the Murcia Region has taken place from 6th to 8th March in the wide pavillons of the Santa Quitera Fair jointly with the other important Exhibition "Expoflor Lorca 2009", the biennal fair of Cut Flowers and of Ornamental Plants of the Murcia Region and has seen an extraordinary participation of enthusiastic public of visitors during the three days of the event. |
As far as Suiseki are concerned the ESA exhibition has been smartly prepared in a wide stand reserved to the display of the wonderful suiseki belonging to the collections of the ESA members coming from Spain, Italy, Germany and Ceka Republic with national stones but also with Chinese and Japanese origin which have involved and intrigued the careful public of visitors from all the Region and from the participating Countries. |
In another special and wide stand has also been displayed a secon very interesting exhibition of Suiseki reserved to the members of the Spanish Association of Suiseki. |
During the event the enthusiasts of suiseki could assist to special lectures made respectively by Spanish members Mr. Jesus Quintas, Mrs. Pilar Guillen and Mrs. Teresa Aquillera. There have been also interesting demos of Ikebana compositions (Mr.Mickiko Iwakura) and Kusamono (Mrs. Rosa Bonet). |
On Saturday evening , during the appreciated and tasty Gala dinner in the ample and inviting dining rooms of the "Jardin de Lorca Hotel" has taken place the awarding of Bonsai and Suiseki in exhibition. To this purpose it is necessary to evidence that the Organizers have decided to assign the awards of suiseki according to the votes freely expressed by all participating exhibitors to whom a specific form had been provided to express their preferences. Same procedure has been followed as far as the Spanish exhibition of suiseki reserved to members is concerned. |
The awardings of the exhibition reserved to ESA members have resulted : |
3rd prize |
The Italian ESA members Mr. Marino Nikpal and Mr. Vito Di Venere have displayed respectively : |
In the suiseki exhibition reserved to the members of Spanish Association Suiseki (AES) the 1st Prize: Expoflor 2009 Trophy jointly with a money award of 600,00 € and the Expoflor Diploma has been assigned to the "Mountain Stone" - Place of Origin Korea of Mrs. Chiara Padrini (Italy), which was already admired in last September in Saint Vincent (Italy), during the BCI-IBS 2008 Exhibition. |
To conclude, of this event we cannot but preserving a very good memory and be glad with the Spanish organizing friends for their commitment and for the well deserved success of visitors. |
The N°4 of the “Bonsai & Suiseki Magazine” is on line. In this number...
We announce the issue on line of the fourth number of April 2009 of “Bonsai & Suiseki Magazine”, increasingly full of articles and with a new section inaugurated by Mr. Sandro Segneri.
The Magazine is visible and freely downloaded in Pdf format from the following link :
In addition to the editorial of Mr. Antonio Ricchiari, "Back to Nature ? ", the fourth number has in summary :
From Bonsai & Suiseki world
“Japanese gardens” – Mr. G.L.Enny
“Painting Stones” - Mr. C.Gori
“It is soon to say rocks” – Mrs. D.Schifano
“With regard to Shiatsu” – Mrs. M.Baruffaldi
Exhibitions and events
“My UBI 2009” – Mr. G.Monteleone
“Spring Feast” - Mr. S.Guerra
In the bookshop
“Bonsai Techniques vol.I e II” – Mr. A.Ricchiari
Bonsai ‘cult’
“Esthetics or quintessence of bonsai?” – Mr. A.Dal Col
“Evaluation of a bonsai in exhibition” – Mr. G.Genotti
My experience
“The occasion of doing” – Mr. V.Cannizzo
“Building of small table” – Mr. S.Guerra
“Evolutive path of a rural Acer ” – Mr. A.Dal Col
To suiseki lesson
“Exhibition of a stone in a suiban” – Mrs. L.Queirolo
The opinion of...
“Mr. Sandro Segneri” – Mr. G.Monteleone
At school of aesthetics
"The study as a research of basic styles and aesthetic
interpretation” – Mr. A.Ricchiari
The monthly species
“Cork tree” – Mr. A.Ricchiari
Notes of cultivation
“The chemical fertilizers - technical developments II” – Mr. L.Bragazzi
Bonsai Techniques
“The plants' pinching” – Mr. A.Acampora
Club's life
“Arbores Bonsai Club” – Mr. A.Gesualdi
“BonsaiProject” – Mr. V.Cannizzo
What insect is it ?
“Plant pathology 4th Part” - Mr. L.Bragazzi
The XIII U.B.I. Congress
Mr. Carlo Laghi relates about "Gonzaga 2009"
After the resolution and the green light of the A.I.A.S. Board in Alberobello 2008, I with other A.I.A.S. members have gathered on Saturday march 7th at 8.30 hrs. in the new pavilion of the Millenary Fair of Gonzaga together with friends of bonsai. |
There were present : Mr. Angelo Attinà, Mr. Cesare Fumagalli, Mr. Ettore Gardini, Mr. Carlo Laghi, Mr. Ulisse Maccaferri and Club ABC Bonsai, Mrs. Luciana Queirolo, Mr. Renzo Rabitti, Mr. Shozo Tanaka and Amatori Bresciani, Mr. Attilio Valdifiori, Mr. Claudio Villa, with their stones Mr. Luciano Ghetti and Mr. Primangelo Pondini (for a total of |
The Gonzaga Bonsai Club (organizing Club) has prepared and put at disposal ample spaces : at the entrance a garden with a waterfall, near two tokonoma , and at the four corners as many sale points of farmers plants, pots an tools. On the background a table and so many chairs for the public, where the Bonsai Masters Mr. Giorgio Castagneri , Mr. Nicola Crivelli, and Mr. Fabrizio Buccini for stones.
The food and drinks sector, where the members of the Gonzaga Club have feeded us with typical meals dishes of Mantova washed down with a very good lambrusco wine, was not missing.
A table was reserved to the stones of Mr. Buccini; finally the table where the Aias Secretariat was arranged: two logos at sides and a a computer with video 16/9 operating in Power Point and projecting a series of slides of gardens , of tokonoma and stones of the Aias members and others, with a background of Japanese music. Mrs. Luciana Queirolo has displayed her stones “The iced Land” and “The dragon’s rock” in two tokonomas.
I was saying about Bonsai Masters : Mr. Giorgio Castagneri (IBS) has worked a chinensis, while Mr. Nicola Crivelli assisted by Mr. Enzo Ferrari of the Ticino Bonsai Club ( our next landlord for the A.I.A.S. Congress 2009 in Lugano in September). |
All plants workshop’s passages have been told and explained by Mrs. Laura Redini (Organizers); Mr. Fabrizio Buccini instead , has dealt about stones and daiza.
Let’s us go now through food lunch breaks, in addition to the refreshments on opening ceremony, the lunch and the dinner on Saturday , the lunch on Sunday (all offered by the Gonzaga Bonsai Club) : with our legs under the table we were bonsai and suiseki lovers over 60 on Saturday and
more then 80 on Sunday.
After the meals bottles of various distillates have passed among the tables : in my opinion the most delicate and tonic resulted to be the “Ratafià” (distilled grappa with walnuts and various Spices) proposed by Mr. Enzo Ferrari from Ticino.
A worm thank in addition to Mrs. Laura Redini (President) to all members of the Gonzaga Club who have excellently given hospitality .
On delivery of the participation’s plaques to us and to the various Club present of the participations’ plaque Mrs. Laura who has renewed to us the invitation for the next year considering the results I really think we will not miss. Mr. Carlo Laghi
The stones of the AIAS members |
The other stones exhibited |
The N°3 of the “Bonsai & Suiseki Magazine” is on line. In this number...
The issue of the second number of March 2009 continues with the editorial course of the “Bonsai & Suiseki Magazine”.
The Magazine is visible and freely downloaded in Pdf format from the following link : In addition to the editorial of Mr. Giovanni Genotti, the third number has in summary :
From Bonsai and Suiseki world
“Japanese gardens” – Mr. G.L.Enny
“Looking for suiseki in rivers and streams” – Mr. A.Attinà
Exhibitions and events
“Is born the MedBonsai” - Mr. G.Monteleone
“Noelandres Trophy” - Mr. H.Vleugels
In the bookshop
“The bonsai from A to Z” – Mr. A.Ricchiari
“Avant garde Bonsai” – Mr. M.Bandera
Bonsai ‘cult’
“To love bonsai” – Mr. A.Ricchiari
My experience
“Wood of Bonsai beeches on stone” – Mr. N.Crivelli
“Evolutive path of a rural Acer ” – Mr. A.Del Col
To Suiseki lesson
“Sandbath: solution to reject ? ” – Mrs. L.Queirolo
At school of aesthetics
“Notes on bonsai aesthetics” – Mr. A.Ricchiari
The monthly species
“Bouganvillea” – Mr. A.Ricchiari
Notes of cultivation
“The chemical fertilizers - technical developments” – Mr. L.Bragazzi
Bonsai Techniques
“The re-potting” – Mr. A.Acampora
Club's life
“Bonsai Club Messina” – Mr. R.Cicciarello
What insect is it ?
“Plant pathology 3rd Part” - Mr. L.Bragazzi
The N°2 of the “Bonsai & Suiseki Magazine” is on line. In this number...
The issue of the second number of February 2009 continues with the editorial course of the “Bonsai & Suiseki Magazine” enriched by a new graphic form.
The Magazine is visible and freely downloaded in Pdf format from the following link : In addition to the editorial of Mr.Antonio Ricchiari, the second number has in summary : From Bonsai and Suiseki world
“Japanese gardens” – Mr.G.L.Enny
“And over the clouds…… a world ” – Mr.S.Bassi
Exhibitions and events
“Coordination of Sicilian Bonsaists” – Mr. F.La Rosa
“Ist Trophy for beginners NBC “ - Mr.L.Del Fico
In the bookshop “Wabi-Sabi” – Mr.A.Ricchiari
“Bon-Sai” – Mr.A.Ricchiari
Bonsai ‘cult’
“Bonsai styles ” – Mr.G.Genotti
My experience
“Re-cooking of the copper wire” – Mr.S.Guerra
“Slooping Tuscan
To Suiseki lesson
“Introduction to Suiseki ” – Mrs.L.Queirolo
At school of aesthetics "Notes on Bonsai aesthetics” – Mr.A.Ricchiari
The monthly species
“Olive tree” – Mr.A.Ricchiari
Notes of cultivation
“The chemical fertilizers” – Mr.L.Bragazzi
Bonsai Techniques
“The soils” – Mr.A.Acampora, Mr.P.Strada
Club's life “Bonsainsieme” – Mr.A.Defina
What insect is it?
“Plant pathology 2nd Part” - Mr.L.Bragazzi
