Memorial "WILLI BENZ"
Report by Mrs.Daniela Schifano
Photo of Mr. Carlo Laghi and of Mrs. Luciana Queirolo
This year our Annual Congress, usual itinerant showcase of Members Stones who for one year have engaged themselves in their research and preparation, has groved of a deep sense of continuity and hope.
The location : Bondeno di Gonzaga, in the hearth of the Emilia-Romagna area devasted by earthquake, where the signs on buildings of the happened are still tangible.
The interpreters: sole judge of the event Mrs. Gudrun Benz, wife of Mr. Willi Benz, who is missing since last year and to whose memory the Congress was dedicated.
These two aspects have both given a special and intense sense to the exhibition of our stones , because, if an earthquake shakes violently the souls just like the loss of one’s own life companion , in reality our Congress took place in the serenity arising from the will to go on for “ remembering” and for “being remembered”.
Willi Benz , of whom I think it is abounding to remember here the long European and International career in the Bonsai and Suiseki field , has conducted as judge and as lecturer many of our Congress , in 2000, in 2004 and again in 2007. We seemed then a natural continuation of this long didactical relationship to dedicate to him the 2012 Congress.
At right , the A.I.A.S. plate in memory and thanks of his precious activity which Willi Benz has devoted to our Association. |
So, the kind and easy attendance of Gudrun Benz has allowed us to witness that “Willi is a full stop for our learning . You have been his present and protective inspiration and now, you are his going forward”.
Tireless, enthusiastic, but also deeply touched , after the Congress has written us :” It has been a great consolation to see that Willi is not forgiven, that his stone art teaching is appreciated by Italian Suiseki lovers”. |
But our Congress should have not had the same valency if it was carried out in any other place ,as hosts of any other Club . The venue had been already chosen since last year , following the invitation of the Gonzaga Bonsai Club, and has been confirmed even after the numerous earth tremors which have caused death and civil and economic devastations , for the careful will of all the Organisms involved in the organization to return as soon as possible to normality , to leave behind the fear and to live as always the annual “ Grape Feast” organized by the “Bunden in Piasa” Association . |
The damaged structures are there to remember what happened and the difficulties of the moment but …”The Grape Feast is and always shall be, a place where to spend moments of good time tasting good food, dancing to the music of a band and to converse with friends and acquaintances. This we want to be, particularly in this moment, where populations hardly knocked by the earthquake have surely need of material helps but also to spend moments in company trying to forgive and to resume a normal life. |
As we have succeeded with all forces to organize the 31st edition of our Feast , so our population will be able to bring back the calendar to before May 20th." These the words that President Bosi Vanni, who eagerly has renewed us the invitation for the next year, and this is our moved thanks.
And also thanks to who has made possible all this , to the friends of the Gonzaga Bonsai Club and to its president Mrs.Laura Redini, who have displayed the stage of our stones in the venue of the ex-primary school’s palestra.
To Mrs. Laura Redini , in the photo near to Mrs. Gudrun Benz, we give a welcome in the A.I.A.S. : a new member that since time, during the Gonzaga exhibition, does her best o give hospitality to us and to our stones with great friendship. |
A.I.A.S. members have replied to these incentives with an exceptional participation : a presence spread from Spain to Switzerland up to Sicily and a total of 93 stones registered among the 6 categories admitted.
This edition has in facts experienced the introduction, following a decision of the General Assembly, of a new Category that of the “Pattern stones” , natural, neither worked nor polished stones , without an appreciable shape but with a surface marked by a significant drawing.
As per our didactics intention, on Sunday afternoon Mrs.Benz has commented the stones in display, but for the great number of suiseki in exhibition she was compelled to limit herself to the awarded stones only.
Some moments of the Congress :


The fitting


The opening ceremony
The gala dinner , under the large big tent |


The winner Mr. Attilio Valdifiori, and his Toyama-ishi
Moments of members General Meeting : all at school ! |


The pupils ….. somewhat grown- up
The headmaster |


The judge’s comment ...
... and the precious translator |

All together !
The A.I.A.S. Trophy 2011 has been assigned to a landscape stone of Mr. Attilio Valdifiori, "Toyama-ishi"