A.I.A.S. Exhibition and Congress - 2009 Edition
September 11-13th 2009
National Exhibition of Suiseki
'Conza' Exhibition Center
Castagnola Boulevard
Lugano (Swiss)
XII NATIONAL A.I.A.S. Congress - 2009 EdiTion
... Since from the foundation of our National Association, we decided that the Annual Exhibition/Congress should be itinerant, namely it should have tried to reach every point of Italy where there were ready members and able to undertake the burden of the organizathion, obviously with the support of membership clubs, institutions or structures, leaving the resource of our social seat of Castelfranco for those years in which, there had not been proposed at least reliable canditatures.
This wander has at least 2 reasons: a promotional purpose, namely to increase the interest and the spreading of the suiseki art , and to be of support to those who feel disadvantaged on account of a logistic isolation in respect to areas with a greater number of enthusiasts .... without neglecting that the discovery of new touristic and cultural realites, does good for members and to the moral of companions.
So, on the trail of enthusiasm caused by the acquisition of members beyond the Alps, we have accpted with some hesitancy but with great enthusiasm, the candidature presented by the Ticino Bonsai Club of Lugano.

The fears were about the attendance of the farest members and the consequent missing of stones in exhibition;neverthless we were aware of our "duty" to encourage even our more isolated members , supporting them with our presence.
Every fear has melt as snow in the sun, in a fair and totaly positive climate: a quiet welcome, a good organization ample spaces , indulgent climate and landscapes of a Swiss spruceness: days have flown away very quickly.

The availability, competence and kindeness of our Honour Guest and sole Judge Mr. Martin Pauli from Swiss rendered unforgettable , apart from instructive, our annual meeting.
What could we had wanted more?
Thanks, thanks to everybody !
A.I.A.S. members (there were fisically present n.17 to the General Meeting ) have displayed in total 54 stones , some of which delivered for account of absent members.
A.I.A.S. TROPHY 2009
1st classified "Landscape Stones" Category
"Yearning nostalgia"
Landscape Stone
of Mrs. Luciana Queirolo
The suiseki classified to the first places in the other categories :
1° prize for the category
"Landscape Stones" to
Mrs. Luciana Queirolo
"Yearning nostalgia"
1° prize for the category
"Shelves" to
Mr. Angelo Attinà
1° prize for the category
"Object Stones" to
Mr. Lorenzo Sonzini
"Old hut"
1o-biseki-de vita.JPG)
1° prize for the category
"Biseki Stones" to
Mr. Giuseppe De Vita
"Behind the veil"
1° prize for the category
"Stones to Admire" to
Mrs. Luciana Queirolo
"Old hollow tree"
"I.B.S. Plaque" Award
Judges: Mr. Angelo Attinà, Mr. Ezio Piovanelli
Mr. Gianni Bonato
"Stones to Admire" Category
"U.B.I. Plaque" Award
Judge : Mr. Marino Nikpal
Mr. Andrea Schenone
"Human shape"