
III Suiseki Exhibition of Spain : reportage by Mrs.Luciana Queirolo

III Esposizione del "Certamen de suiseki de Espana"

 4 e 5 Dicembre 2010
Sala delle Esposizioni, Municipio Comunale di Alcobendas
Madrid (Spagna)

Organizzata da:
Associazione Spagnola di Suiseki (AES)
Associazione Bonsai di Alcobendas.
Hanno collaborato:
Ambasciata del Giappone, Japan Foundation, Centro Bonsai Colmenar,
Ospiti d'Onore:
Sig.ra Eiko Kishi: Docente della Scuola di Ikebana Misho-ryu; esperta in: Cerimonia del tè, Calligrafia, Koto, Vestizione Kimono, Origami.
Sig. Luciana Queirolo: Maestra Suiseki.
Programma didattico svolto:
Sabato 4 dicembre:
 Dimostrazione Ikebana
“Suiseki: Rapporto tra colore & forma.”
Domenica 5 dicembre:
Cerimonia del té.
"Materiali per suiseki: Oriente ed Occidente - Ricerca & Comparazione."

Il Presidente A.I.A.S.Luciana Queirolo ha partecipato come ospite d'onore a questa manifestazione, dove ha tenuto una conferenza dove ha tenuto una conferenza sul rapporto tra colore e forma ed una sulle analogie tra materiali occidentali ed orientali. La sua presenza ci regala il seguente reportage fotografico.




La conferenza


Tutti insieme !


La cerimonia del the


Una composizione ikebana


Le sale

I suiseki


Angel Sanz

Angel Sanz

Angel Sanz

Antonio Ruiz
Paesi Baschi

Antonio Ruiz
Paesi Baschi

Carlos Gusi Zaidin

Carlos Gusi Zaidin

Carlos Gusi Zaidin

Carlos Lazaro

Carlos Lazaro

Cesar Garcia

 Fco. Javier Bermejo Lorenzo

Fco. Javier Bermejo Lorenzo 

Felix Fernandes

Felix Fernandes

Humbelina Ruiz

Humbelina Ruiz
Puerto Rico

Humbelina Ruiz
Puerto Rico

Humbelina Ruiz
Puerto Rico

Igor Barta

Igor Barta

Joaquin Martos 

Jesus Quintas - Socio AIAS

Jesus Quintas - Socio AIAS

Jesus Quintas - Socio AIAS

Jesus Quintas - Socio AIAS

Jesus Quintas - Socio AIAS

Jesus Quintas - Socio AIAS

Jesus Quintas - Socio AIAS

Jesus Quintas - Socio AIAS

Jose Blazquez - Socio AIAS

Jose Blazquez - Socio AIAS

Jose Blazquez - Socio AIAS

Jose Blazquez - Socio AIAS

Juan Jose Bueno - Socio AIAS

Juan Jose Bueno - Socio AIAS

Juan Jose Bueno - Socio AIAS

Juan Jose Bueno - Socio AIAS

Juan Jose Bueno - Socio AIAS

Miguel Angel Roman

Luciana Queirolo - Presidente AIAS

Luciana Queirolo - Presidente AIAS

Luis Vallejo

Luis Vallejo

Maria Teresa Diaz

Maria Teresa Diaz

Miguel Perez

Miguel Perez
Paesi Baschi

Mikel Alvarez

Pilar Guillen - Socia AIAS

Pilar Guillen - Socia AIAS

Pilar Guillen - Socia AIAS

Rafael Monje 
Paesi Baschi

Rafael Monje 
Paesi Baschi

Rafael Monje 
Paesi Baschi

Rafael Monje 
Paesi Baschi

Sacristan Jose

Txopitea Manuel

Txopitea Manuel
Paesi Baschi

Txopitea Manuel
Paesi Baschi



Report by Mr.Vito Di Venere

In the wonderful premises of Villa Bruno , Cultural Centre of the San Giorgio a Cremano  town (Na)  has taken place , on the 6th and 7th November 2010, the II National Exhibition "Kokoro-No Bonsai Ten 2010 : exhibition of the soul, of the mind and of the heart" of Bonsai and Suiseki excellently prepared  by the Napoli Bonsai Club Onlus,   thanks to the commitment  of  all its members who have  done their utmost in organizing  a fine exhibition  under various points of view.
The event, which had the sponsorships of the San Giorgio a Cremano Municipality, of the Naples Province, of the Naples Chamber of Commerce, of the Arfacid, in addition to the U.B.I., A.I.A.S., I.B.S. and of the media-review "Bonsai & Suiseki Magazine", has summed in the contest well 39 Bonsai and 14 Suiseki (of which 4 out of contest)  arriving  from various Italian Regions,  together  with workshops, lectures and video-projections  of many demostrators  who have interested  and involved  the large audience  of enthusiasts  and visitors attending  during the two fine days of  the exhibition. 
In addition  to the activities  relating to Bonsai and Suiseki, a series  of complimentary initiatives  have enriched  the program  of the event such as :
  • Direct manufactoring, on a specific  drawing of the customer, of a  large  and pleasant shape Bonsai pot with the plate technique, by the expert potter ceramist Mr. Tiberio Gracco, member of organizing Club; 
  • Complete manufactoring of a dai  in prezious wood  for a suiseki  by the expert Mr. Fabrizio Buccini; 
  • Demonstration of "Shodo" calligraphy  with exhibition of works  made by Mrs. Daniela Di Perna, disciple of the famous  Master Norio Nagayama;
  • Thematic lectures and video-projections by Mr. Antonio Ricchiari, Mr. Marco Tarozzo, Mr. Francesco Santini and Mr. Luca Bragazzi.
On Saturday evening , after the welcome cocktail party  offered  to many guests and visitors  and before a delightful "Gala dinner"  in the restaurant of the same Villa Bruno, there has taken place  the awarding eremony which, for the suiseki contest, presented the  following winners : 
  • A.I.A.S. plate  for the most deserving and amazing suiseki  in exhibition to the landscape stone (Mountain)  of Mr. Raffaele Cacace  with the intriguing poetic name " The heroic lie  of mother Elisabeth" (sole  judge Mr. Vito Di Venere) 
    The deserved success of the event is an implicit acknowledgement  for the organizers  an for the exhibitors, besides  a further  confirmation  that suiseki art  is involving always more and more new enthusiasts, premise of a new edition not to loose.
  • I.B.S.  Suiseki plate to the object stone (human shaped)  of Mr. Antonio Marino, with the poetic name "Buddha" (sole  judge Mr. Vito Di Venere)  

In addition  were also  assigned   the Organizing Club  suiseki plates  of "Kokoro-No Bonsai Ten 2010" by the judge Mr. Fabrizio Buccini  : 

  • 1st prize  to the landscape stone  (Mountains)  of Mr. Angelo Santoriello;
  • 2nd prize to the landscape stone  (Lake)  of Mr. Geppino Mauriello;
  • 3rd prize to the landscape stone (Island)  of Mrs. Daniela Schifano,  who also received a plate offered by the "Bonsai & Suiseki Magazine " (Judge Mr. Carlo Scafuri).



The suiseki in exhibition


1st Prize Suiseki
Kokoro-No Bonsai Ten 2010 Plate
Mr. Angelo Santoriello
"At dusk"

2nd Prize Suiseki
Kokoro-No Bonsai Ten 2010 Plate
Mr. Geppino Mauriello



3rd Prize Suiseki Kokoro-No Bonsai Ten 2010 Plate
Bonsai Suiseki Magazine Plate
Mrs. Daniela Schifano
"The unfound island"

A.I.A.S. Plate
Mr. Raffaele Cacace
"The heroic lie of mother Elisabeth"

I.B.S. Plate

Mr. Antonio Marino

Out of contest
Mr. Vito Di Venere
"Turtles island"

 Out of contest 
Mr. Vito Di Venere

"Mountain peaks"
Out of contest
Mr. Vito Di Venere
"Black dragon"
Out of contest
Mr. Fabrizio Buccini
Lake stone 
Mr. Raffaele Cacace
"Life, shape and colours"
Mr. Giuseppe De Gregori 
"The waiting"
Mr. Antonio Marino
Mr. Carlo Scafuri 
"Eneepah - Mirage island" 
Mr. Giuseppe Sorrentino
"Windy mountain"

Mr.Carlo Laghi relates the 7th Suiseki Exhibition-Parade at Cusercoli Castle

 View of Cusercoli Castle

7th and 14th November 2010 

7th Suiseki Exhibition-Parade “ Castle of Cusercoli” 

Castle of Cusercoli - (Forlì - Cesena)

Report of Mr.Carlo Laghi


On Sunday 7th and  Sunday 14th November  has taken place  in the circle  of the "Prezious White Truffle Feast of Romagna" the Suiseki Exhibition  "Castle of Cusercoli", arrived this year  to the 7th edition.

In the fittings  of the two halls put at disposal by the Proloco (Municipal Tourist Board)   the "Hercules Lock", the philosophy  already experienced  last year  has been followed  to let know, the citizen of Cusercoli  and other visitors, besides  the stones  also the work of Bonsai & Suiseki of  Forlì Club's members.

Namely  we have tried  to present stones  that during  this year have been awarded  in the various national and foreign  exhibitions, to present possibly always new stones  of the various categories  never exhibited    and to present  various displays  with scrolls  following as example  the passing of the seasons.

The venues of the exhibition : the outside, the staging  and the public:


“ Pietre e parole

                     dolce è il ricordo

                                         a Cusercoli “     

This year novelty is the Haiku  poetry : thanks to the poetical inspiration  of the member Mr. Alberto Barduzzi , it has  been possible  to link  together  different  compositions  to the stones.
Personally I must say  that this procedure  has fully satisfied  me and the others  both as participations and as interest of the participating public.
Let's now come to the pure exhibition of the stones. The 23 stones, justly distributed  in the various categories, have been examined  by our dearest friend, as well as board member  Mr. Ulisse Maccaferri, A.I.A.S. Treasurer.

Ulisse has choosen  as best stones :
"The time...  sun, water  and wind"  of Mr. Ettore Gardini (already winner of the U.B.I. Award  2010 in San Marino  and of the B.C.I.  Award  at the E.S.A. exhibition  2010 in Zurich);
"Go away mighty godfather"  by Mr. Alberto Barduzzi  (it is also  the choosen stone  as preferred  by the public  on Sunday 7th;
"I already feel home air" , multi stand  of Mr. Claudio Villa;
"The earth of the ancestors"  landscape of Mr. Primangelo Pondini;
"On the way back"  multi stand presented by Mr.  Carlo Laghi and for its colours
"Autumn  sun"  landscape of Mr. Alberto Barduzzi.


The day, as usually, has elapsed  "with the legs under the table".On greeting you , I renew  the invitation  for the next year.

Carlo Laghi


The suiseki in exhibition

The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Alberto Barduzzi


"Go away mighty godfather" 

 Best object stone

"Autumn sun"

Mention of Merit


“Sono il cuore
che solo ti nasconde
ogni autunno”

“Sole d'autunno

tingi foglie di sera
il monte arde”

The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Renzo Elespini


"Over the path" 



The suiseki exhibited by Mr.  Ettore Gardini


"Black  tower" 

"The time ... sun, water and wind"

Best landscape stone


 The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Carlo Laghi


grand mother Victoria" 




"King Kong" 

"King Kong"



"The morning breeze inhibts 
your decency"

 "On the way back"

Mention of Merit



"On the way back"

A particular


"On the way back"

A particular


"On the way back"

A particular


"Masked  ball"


"Masked  ball"


"Masked  ball"



 The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Primangelo Pondini


"The silence of time " 




"Far away lands" 

"The earth of ancestors"
Mention of Merit


“Tutta la terra

degli avi percorro
fin nel profondo”


The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Danilo Pretolani


"Spiritual Guide"

"Little arch"


The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Attilio Valdifiori


"Without time"

"The bridge"


The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Claudio Villa


"North-West passage"

"I already feel home air"

Best multi stand



"I already feel home air"

A particular


"I already feel home air"

A particular

 "I already feel home air"

A particular



A day at Castelfranco Emilia

Report by Mr. Carlo Laghi

We have gathered in 13  from Romagna, Tuscany, Liguria and Lombardia at the A.I.A.S. venue  in Castelfranco Emilia  on Sunday  October 17th : a light rain has gone along  with us all day long.  As arrived  we have unloaded boxes  with stones  to preview, ready for display  and completed with daiza, as well as a fair quantity  of pattern stones,  as pillow  basalt,  reddish sandstones  and other tipology  put at disposal  of participants  by Mrs. Luciana Queirolo.
A.I.A.S. members attending have not missed  the opportunity  to propose stones  for which a collective  evaluation  could resolve  doubts  or incertaineties :  in the left photo  Mrs. Luciana Queirolo studies a stone of Mr. Barduzzi.
The meeting was programmed  with the agenda : affinities  of tipologies, materials and colors between Italian and Oriental ones (Chinese and Japanese).

Luciana had prepared  a computer introduction  to put in comparison  the various stones and comment the various affinities and likeness.

An example for all : two stones , owned by Luciana Queirolo, showed  in a recent I.B.S. Congress :

The stone at left is Chinese , while the one at right side is a local "palombino" : if the labels had not indicated  the place of origin, the diversity could not be recognized .
Conclusion : the earth  is round  and nothing forbids  that a similar  material  may be found in Italy , in Far East  or in America.
To the meeting  the convivial moment  at restaurant could not miss. While waiting  between one course  and following  one  we have discussed  also of next A.I.A.S.  Congress  which,  much probably,  will take place in Florence  at the end of September  and beginning of October  with a foreign judge (indiscretion to be confirmed) hoisted by our tuscanian members and of  the ATABS Association .

We greeted each other not before  giving appointment in Gonzaga  at middle march 2011.


Carlo Laghi

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