(report of Mrs. Daniela Schifano)
The Cultural Association Rome Bonsai has once again reunited around itself bonsai and suiseki enthusiasts of all Italy , organizing at the "City of Boys" an event growing year by year both as number and as quality of the exhibited exemplars. The enthusiasts could admire 42 bonsai of very high quality, exhibited in two halls as always elegantly furnished, while for the suiseki a separated hall has been prepared, where well 14 suiseki, of which 2 out of contest, have taken place. Remembering that last year suiseki in display were five, one cannot but note the steady growing interest of the organizing club in comparison of this art.
The salient aspect of this event remains however the warm hospitality offered by all Club's staff, thanks to which exhibitors are received and dealt with as family friends.
But the hearty atmosphere one can breathe is not in disadvantage of professionalism : we remember the rich little market, the workshops of bonsai techniques, the puntual organization and the "dedicated" photographer who will put at disposal of interested people a CD of very high quality on the event.
Suiseki out of contest have been presented by Mr. Fabrizio Buccini judge of the suiseki section , and by Mr. Enrico Sallusti, President of the organizing Club.

Mr. Fabrizio Buccini
Lake stone

Mr. Enrico Sallusti
Lake stone
The two prizes put at disposal by the Club have been assigned to two A.I.A.S. members : Mr. Carlo Maria Galli and Mr. Giuseppe Cordone, for the following suiseki :

Prize 'Best suiseki'
Mr. Carlo Maria Galli
Lake stone

Mention of merit
Mr. Giuseppe Cordone
Plateau stone
"Lets down and peace gets rised"
The other stones in display :

Mr. Ottavio Foschi
Associazione Culturale Roma Bonsai
Landscape stone

Mr. Antonio Marino
Napoli Bonsai Club
Object stone - Human Shaped stone

Mr. Carlo Maria Galli
Landscape stone

Mr. Cosimo Loparco
Associazione Culturale Roma Bonsai
Landscape stone
"Although I know that you're far away"

Mr. Carlo Rocchetti
Bonsai Club Castelli Romani

Mr. Carlo Rocchetti
Bonsai Club Castelli Romani

Mrs. Daniela Schifano
A.I.A.S. Member
Bonsai Club Castelli Romani
Pattern stone
"Autumn fruits"

Mrs. Daniela Schifano
A.I.A.S. Member
Bonsai Club Castelli Romani
Landscape stone
"Where earth meets the stars"

Mr. Gianni Troiani
Associazione Umbria Bonsai Foligno