The site of Mr. Karel Serak on the suiseki world

Title          :  Um?ní suiseki

Address    :

Language  :  Czech / English
Author     :  Karel Šerák
A web site in the Czech language dedicated to the suiseki world and realized by an   european expert of the Bonsai and Suiseki art.
At the address a reduced version of the site in the English language is available.

Karel Šerák
Karel Šerák  starts to practise the bonsai art in 1986.
He discovers the suiseki art during the close exchanges of cooperation with Mr.Pius Notter.
First ESA member of the Ceka Republic , he cooperates with one of the major European suiseki expert : the swiss Martin Pauli.
Karel is founder member of the Suiseki Collectors Association in the Ceka Republic.
Karel Serak during the ESA exhibition to the Ni Shun-Ten of this year, shows his Suiseki to Mr. Matsuura and Mr. Benz
The more appreciated suiseki
by Mr. Matsuura
 Some particularly appreciated suiseki of the Karel’s collection :