Images from Ni Shun-Ten Bonsai and Suiseki Exhibition jointly with ESA Exhibition

We present some images preview of the stones displayed in the ESA exhibition in Munich and in  the concomitant  event Ni Shun-Ten. Images and comments on the event will find ample space in the next AIAS News letter  n.14 of Summer 2006.

Images from ESA Exhibition

The biseki stone of Mr.Giuseppe De Vita, winner of the AIAS Trophy 2005

The stones of the A.I.A.S. members


The stone of Mr. Angelo Attinà


The stones of Mr. Giuseppe De Vita


The stones of Mr. Vito Di Venere


The stones of Mr. Marino Nikpal


BCI President Award


The stones of Mrs. Luciana Queirolo


The stones of the "Club Unici di Liguria"

Images from Ni Shun-ten Exhibition


Tokonoma of welcome : Mr. Shozo Tanaka.

Cherry tree, suiseki, scroll and accent plant

Stone : Liguria-Italy. Daiza : Italy

Tokonoma displayed by Mr. Arishige Matsuura.

Stone: Toyama-ishi, Japan, Kyoto.

Daiza: Japan

Winning stones

1°) Mizutamari-ishi.
Mr. Jean M.Guillaumond. Stone:Frankreich
.Daiza : Sean Smith.
  2°)  Mr. Michal Sebo.
3°) Toyama-ishi.
Mr. Shozo Tanaka.(AIAS).
Stone: Liguria-Italy.
Daiza: Italy

 E & A Lehener.
 Stone and daiza: Japan
  Toyama-ishi: a limpid night.
Mrs. Luciana Queirolo.
Stone: Liguria-Italy. Daiza: Luciana Queirolo

Mrs. Gudrun Benz.
Stone: China-Lingbi. Daiza: China
Mr. Willi Benz.
Stone: Indonesia. Suiban: tokoname

Mr. Karel Serak.
Stone: Tschechien.
 Suiban: Klika&Kuratkova
  Enchanted landscape.
Mr. Marino Nikpal.
Stone: Tuscan-Italy.
Daiza: Marino Nikpal

Mrs. Brigitte Notter. Stone and daiza: Japan