Suiseki in Rome

The Cultural Association of Bonsai Rome has offered the chance to participate,  as AIAS Association,  to the XIII Spring  Bonsai Exhibition 2006  held  together  with The Department of  Vegetable Biology  of  “ La Sapienza“ University , in the Botanical Garden of  Rome.

Mr. Vito Di Venere has accepted  “the burden” to represent us and his competence has yielded him “the honour” to win the plaque  Award for the best display” as best Tokonoma presented.

The course of the 2006 Spring Bonsai Exhibition in the Botanical Garden could not have a better natural setting , as shown by the multitude of an enthusiast and numerous of public visitors.

“Fishermen’ island” by Mr.Vito Di Venere

The balance of this experience in Rome is surely positive. Mr. Vito Di Venere has had the chance to divulgate the suiseki art to a public between inquisitive and enthusiast and has put the basis for a  subsequent  cooperation between the Associations.

"Tribute to Hokusai”  by Mr.Vito Di Venere

Mr. Vito Di Venere is awarded by Prof. Loretta Gratani, Director of the Botanical Garden.

Award to the best “Tokonoma” display to “Tribute to Hokusai”  by Mr.Vito Di Venere.
Mr.Vito Di Venere and Mr. Enrico Sallusti, President of Cultural Associaton Bonsai Rome

(The images are kindly been granted by the Cultural Association Bonsai Rome)