The XII IBS Congress 2007
September 15th-16th 2007
Serra Villa in Comago Sant'Olcese - Genoa
In a corner of England in Liguria has taken place the XII IBS Congress , which has exhibited the suiseki of the IBS Instructors.
The lake facing the exhibition .
The afflux of the interested public has been .... overflowing.
The corner of the four rooms where the exhibition of Bonsai and Suiseki has taken place.
The BCI PRESIDENT AWARD has been assigned to Mr. Andrea Schenone, to whom has also gone the thank of the Genoa Club for the cooperation granted in the staging.
The two tokonoma of Mr. Angelo Attinà : the whole and the detail .
The tokonoma of Mr. Marino Nikpal
The tokonoma of Mrs. Luciana Queirolo
The two tokonoma of Mrs. Chiara Padrini |
The two tokonoma of Mr. Ezio Piovanelli
The two tokonoma of Mr.Andrea Schenone