In Vienna the EBA-ESA Convention 2008

The Austrian Bonsai Association supported by the Telecom Austria and by the Kapsch A.G. has hosted in Vienna at the Central Headquarters of "Telecom Austria"  from 25th to 27th  April  the EBA-ESA Convention 2008. The E.S.A. President Mr. Willi Benz and  Mr. Jack Dennis, Newsletter editor for five years of the California Aiseki-Kai, have held  two very intersting lectures.

Considerable has been the contribution to the exhibition of Suiseki of the A.I.A.S. members inscribed with E.S.A. :  Mrs. Daniela Schifano as A.I.A.S. representative with the stone "The Messenger" winner of the A.I.A.S. Trophy 2007, Mr. Vito Di Venere (ESA Vice-President) , Mrs. Luciana Queirolo (ESA Board member), Mr. Angelo Attinà, Mr.Cesare Fumagalli, Mr. Marino Nikpal.

Photos Gallery : the images of suiseki exhibited by our members

Mr. Willi Benz has granted " The BCI  Award of Recognition The Most outstanding Suiseki" to the suiseki  Mountain stone of Mr. Angelo Attinà. This suggestive suiseki has afterwards been also granted  the UBI 1st Prize Suiseki Award 2008 at Arco di Trento.

The suiseki 'Near landscape' by Mr.Angelo Attinà


'Hokaido' by Mrs.Gudrun Benz



The Japanese suiseki "Hokaido" exhibited by Mrs. Gudrun Benz has widely deserved our admiration  and the A.I.A.S. plate.


Finally , relaxing moments of A.I.A.S. members :

At first , from the bottom..... 

but after always higher !