The stones awarded

For the A.I.A.S. Trophy 2017 and for the following Categories in competition :

  • Landscape Stones
  • Shelves
  • Object Stones
  • Biseki, Pattern Stones, Color Stones
  • Stones to admire

we are pleased to present the pictures of the first three classified stones.

A.I.A.S. Trophy  2017

The A.I.A.S. Trophy 2017

to the landscape stone of

Mr. Claudio Villa

"The dark side of the mountain"


"Landscape Stones" Category

1° prize to

Mr. Attilio Valdifiori

"Clear night"

Italy (Liguria)

2° prize to

Mr. Primangelo Pondini


Italy (Liguria)

3° prize to

Mrs.  Luciana Queirolo

"Help me to tackle the climb.
Dedicated to a friend"

Italy (Liguria)

"Shelves" Category

prize to

Mr. Claudio Nuti

"From the creek to the ocean"

Itay (Tuscany, Liguria)

prize to

Mrs. Daniela Schifano
"On Biwa Lake, in the autumn"

3° prize to

Mrs. Laura Segna

 Without name


"Object Stones" Category

prize to

Mr. Renzo Perfumo

Without name


prize to

Mr. Marino Nikpal
"I listen to you"


3° prize to

Mr. Umberto Ziniti

"Passing the pathway of the truth"


"Biseki, Pattern Stones, Color Stones" Category

prize to

Mr. Giuseppe De Vita

"La magia della pietra insolita"

Italy (Tuscany)

prize to

Mr. Amedeo Ducoli
"Black hole"

Italy (Liguria)

3° prize to
Mr. Ettore Gardini

"I colori profumano l'autunno"


"Stones to admire" Category

prize to

Mr. Sergio Bassi
"L'urlo del vento"

Unknown origin

prize to

Mr. Carlo Vanni

 Without name
Italy (Tuscany)

 3° prize to
Mrs. Daniela Schifano
Japan (Hokkaido)
Judges : BCI Directors Mrs. Gudrun Benz and Mr. Massimo Bandera

 Mr. Cesare Fumagalli

"Landscape Stones" Category

Italy (Lombardia)

"I.B.S. Plaque" Award
Judge : I.B.S. Istructor Mr. Ezio Piovanelli

 Mr. Ulisse Maccaferri

"Landscape Stones" Category


"U.B.I. Plaque" Award
Judge : U.B.I. Istructor Mrs. Luciana Queirolo

Mr. Cesare Fumagalli

"Landscape Stones" Category

Italy (Lombardia)