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Suiseki, natural art stones
"I do not know how I appear to the world's eyes, but it seems to me to be a kid who has played on the beach and that has sometimes amused himself in finding a more smooth pebble, a finer shell then usual while the great ocean of the thruth was spreading unexplored in front of me."
(Isaac Newton, 1695)
Welcome !
The Italian Association of Suiseki Lovers welcomes you in its official website.
Our aims are :
to offer a point of reference for the enthusiasts of the Suiseki art of all over Italy
to promote the A.I.A.S. growing
to create a meeting point between our Italian reality of Suiseki and of Contemplation Stones and You, kind Visitors.
Through the diffusion of our activities, but also through your continuous contribution we want to witness an ancient passion and to stimulate the interest of those people who would like to approach to the spirit of the stones.
The A.I.A.S. Board