Memorial "Paola Gramigni"
Report by Mr. Carlo Laghi
As you well know the annual A.I.A.S. Congress is itinerant and this edition has been organized by the friends of the Associazione Toscana Amatori Bonsai e Suiseki (A.T.A.B.S.) in Florence.
To remember our dearest friend recently deceased , it has been set-up the "Memorial Paola Gramigni".
Florence does not need comments ...
There were present 33 members, who have presented 75 stones split in the five admitted categories. Furthermore a suiseki of Paola Gramigni has been exhibited and also the stone winning the A.I.A.S. Trophy of the last edition. Sole judge of the event, as in 2006 always in Florence, was the international expert Mr. Felix Rivera.
The judge Mr. Felix Rivera during the comments on the stones.
The stone of Mrs. Paola Gramigni
Saturday afternoon , while Mr. Rivera valuated the stone in display, a spanish Aias member Mr. Jesus Quintas, translated by Mr. Roberto Mari, has exhibited a presentation of his way of thinking the suiseki: by means of photos and drawings he has shown us the variuos ways to display suiseki in the various seasons. Furthermore, he has put at disposal for the raffle variuos copies of his book "Qseki 2009".
Some moments of the conference
Excellent was the evening organized by the A.T.A.B.S. President Mr. Sergio Bassi, a long date A.I.A.S. member : the gala dinner was foreseen out of Florence and therefore the transfer has been arranged with a reserved bus. During the dinner , has taken place the raffle in which the various members have given the prizes , books, paintings, scroll, raw stones , cleaned stones , stones with daiza and various other things .
At the end of the evening , the awardings and the touching words of Sergio , when the A.I.A.S. plate in memory of Paola has been granted to her husband.
Some moments of the gala dinner :
At dinner , judge and judged, winners and beatens !
A special welcome to the new members
Remembering Paola, the delivery of the A.I.A.S. plate
The rightful satisfaction of Mr.Sergio Bassi , winner of the A.I.A.S. Trophy for the second consecutive year.
The delivery of the "Paola Gramigni" Mention of Merit to
Mr. Giuseppe Cordone
Mrs. Daniela Schifano shows with a surprised look the fine stone won in the raffle and granted by Mr. Carlo Laghi
Personally I can say that , all things considered , the awarded stones reflect the values in contest, the various comments and the opinions point out also the quality of stones displayed. On Sunday Mr. Felix Rivera has commented all stones in display and comments, noted by Luciana and Daniela , will be inserted in the next News Letter which will be almost completely dedicated to the Florence Congress.
Felix comments : we will read them in the next Newsletter
Just arrived Felix has already pupils...
The four Charles : Vanni, Laghi, Scafuri, Galli
Also the A.I.A.S. Board has been renewed: we welcome the new Board member Mrs. Daniela Schifano who already takes care for us of the AIAS web site.
The A.I.A.S. Trophy 2011 has been assigned to a landscape stone of Mr. Sergio Bassi , "Unique"
The A.I.A.S. Trophy 2011
Landscape stone
of Mr. Sergio Bassi
The suiseki who obtained the prizes for Category and UBI and IBS awards were:
"Landscape Stones" Category |
1° prize to
Mr. Ettore Gardini
"The time... sun water
and wind" - Liguria
2° prize to
Mr. Carlo Laghi
"Far away summits"
3° prize to
Mr. Giuseppe Cordone
"The lights of the time"
"Shelves" Category |
1° prize to
Mr. Sergio Bassi
"I think about"
2° prize to
Mr. Carlo Maria Galli
"My land"
3° prize to
Napoli Bonsai Club
Without name
"Object Stones" Category |
1° prize to
Mr. Giuseppe De Vita
2° prize to
Mr. Alberto Barduzzi
"I am the hearth"
3° prize to
Mr. Antonio Marino
"Biseki" Category |
1° prize to
Mr. Giuseppe De Vita
2° prize to
Mr. Giuseppe De Vita
"The island of colours"
3° prize to
Bonsai Club Castelli Romani
"Autumn's fruits"
"Stones to admire" Category |
1° prize to
Mr. Marino Nikpal
"The thinking woman"
2° prize to
Mr. Vincenzo Ziliotti
3° prize to
Mr. Cesare Fumagalli
"To fall in love again"
"I.B.S. Plaque" Award
Judge : Mr. Ezio Piovanelli
Mr. Lorenzo Sonzini
"Landscape Stones" Category
"Clear, fresh and sweet waters"
"U.B.I. Plaque" Award
Judge : Mr. Marino Nikpal
Mrs. Luciana Queirolo
"Landscape Stones" Category
"The kingdom of the two sources"
"Memorial Paola Gramigni"Award
Mr. Giuseppe Cordone
"Biseki" Category
"The sea by night"